Advanced Ceramics/Sculpture & IB 11/12

Advanced Sculpture/Ceramics & IB 11/12 is open to ANY 11th/12th grade students looking to take an advanced, exciting art course!

Experience in previous Art courses is encouraged but not required! The ADV Art 3D Visual Arts course is designed to allow students the opportunity to create personally meaningful 3-D artwork. By participation in the creative process within a structured studio environment, students will work towards a personal exhibit. The course covers advanced sculptural techniques and skills, where students can choose from hand-built ceramics, pottery, carving, construction, installation and other forms of 3D-design. Coursework is geared towards quality, college-readiness level of creation!! The IB/DP examination can be a component of a student's 12th grade exhibit!

FULL-Year / 1-credit.

Student work from ADV Ceramics/Sculpture

Wooden Construction

Paper Sculpting

Stone Carving

Soapstone Carving

Ceramic & Mixed Media

Ceramic Sculpture

Wire Frame Sculptures

A student's personal exhibition of various 3D works of Art!


Slab-built Sculptural Vessel