Freshmen 8/31


Grade: 9

Topic: Mental Health


    • slideshow

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors Standard (s): M 1: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well being.


Part I:

1. View slideshow

2. Discussion questions

Discussion Questions

      • Without naming names, can you identify a trusted adult who you would go to for help if you felt you or a friend needed it?

      • Why do you think kids don’t ask for or get help when the need it?

      • How can we as a group/class/school help reduce the stigma around mental illness so that people talk about and get the help they need?

      • What are some ways we can support a friend or classmate who is struggling with a mental illness?

      • How do you respond if a friend says I want to tell you something, but promise you won’t tell an adult that involves harming themselves and/or others?

      • How can we improve school climate to make the school a safer place for those that have experienced trauma and/or mental health issues?

Part II:

  1. Taking Care of your own mental health

  2. View video A to Z of Coping strategies

  3. Have students write down at least three coping strategies they could see them selves using.

Mental Health Awareness- 9th grade