

This course is a year-long introductory computer science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. It is part of the Career Technical Education Pathway (CTE Pathway) for the district that continue through High School which allows students be be ready for emplyoment by the end of the pathway. Students who successfully complete this course can continue on to Computers-Intermediate Cybersecurity specifically for 7th and 8th grade students. Students should have basic knowledge of coding/ Students will focus on HTML/CSS coding, Windows security sytems and, learning about different professsions within the industry.

Students can earn certifications for different programming languages and well as industry-level certifications such as CompTIA-Security, etc. Through the process of class practice and competitions, students can enhance their cybersecurity skills which are needed in all for all occupations.