14. Reflection

What Kind of Changemaker Are You Now? 

 We are changemakers.


Age, time, and physical boundaries won't stop you from being a changemaker. You can engage in social and civic action wherever and whenever. 

Looking Back

Review your Planning Sheets and Our Path image to help you reflect on your changemaker journey thus far. 

Reflection Prompts:

Answer the following prompt independently, or on a shared class document or forum (see example below):

I used to think... about being a changemaker

Now I think... about being a changemaker

One option for a class discussion forum is a padlet like this one

Our Path

10 Qs Arc - 4th bucket

Essential Questions:

How do I decide if, when, and how to engage in civic and social action?

How can I engage as a member of my local, national, and global community?

-- The End of  The DKP Student-led Civics Unit --