
Levers of Change in the Local Context for an environmental project

What concrete levers of change might you pull when you conduct an environmental project in your community (e.g., water)? You don't need to pull "all" levers, but some or even one. Choose what lever(s) you might pull for change.

Use this mind map to to think about your key lever(s) of change.

  1. Lever One - Local Government (The City of Cambridge)

You can contact your local government. First, search using search terms such as "water" (or "water quality" or "water testing" or similar ) and "[the name of your local government]." Then, see what results show up and find one that might be relevant to the water division in your local government.

Below are examples from the City of Cambridge. You also can find similar information about your local government.

Water Department (City of Cambridge)

Check "Water Testing Menu" and see what you might want to do.

Check "Water Quality Report" of your community

2. Lever Two - State Government (The Environmental Protection Agency in MA)

EPA Massachussetts

EPA is a federal agency overseeing key environmental issues, including air quality, drinking water, climate change, and green energy. EPA runs 10 regional offices across the nation.

Environmental Information for Masssachussetts

Check local agencies and organizations working for an environmental issues you might be interested in about your community

Environment Merit Awards

Check individuals and businesses in Massachusetts EPA recognized for their work to protect New England's environment. They might become your lever(s) of change.

Local Example: Pittsfield/Housatonic River

Upon learning of the chemical's ability to harm wildlife and human health, EPA banned the production of PCBs in 1979. The cleanup areas in Pittsfield join numerous PCB sites throughout the country in size and clean up challenges.

Public Comment!

This is an important public participation channel in our democracy. Check the issues waiting for public comment and share them with your parents, teachers, members of the community, your lever(s) of change who might help you in providing your thoughts.

3. Lever Three - Local environmental organizations (Pittsfield/Central Berkshire, MA)

Find local organizations working for an environmental cause in your community or a local chapter of a national environmental group.* How can you search for them? Go to Google and put a search term, such as "environmental organizations in [the name of your community]." See what results show up.

* They are also called "non-profit organizations." What is a non-profit organization (NGO)? An NGO is a group organized for working for public and social interests. Non-profit organizations include churches, public schools, public charities, public clinics and hospitals, political organizations, legal aid societies, volunteer services organizations, research organizations, museums, etc. Many serve public interests, play a key role in raising awareness, lobbying, and influencing policymaking.

Click on the image to the search results by "Environmental organizations in Pittsfield MA"

Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT)

A national environmental group might offer important information on an environmental issue you care about and other levers of power in your community. For example, if you're interested in tap water quality in your community, check out the website of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a national environmental organization. See below for more detail.

Type the zip code of your area and hit "View Utility" to see more results and information on the next steps!

Check these 7 Questions To Ask Your Elected Officials About Tap Water

4. Lever Four - Business and companies

You may find businesses and companies seeking profits by creating clean energy and technology and putting them on the market. Several of them might not be not your local, but you can still see who they are and what they are working for.

Environmentally Friendly Businesses in MA

Check individuals and businesses in Massachusetts EPA recognized for their work to protect New England's environment. They might become your lever(s) of change.

Companies Working on Innovative Water Technology

Clean Ocean Technology

5. Lever Five - Professional Media

Professional media can provide important information on an issue you care about in your community.

6. Social Media

You can tap into social media accounts of the levers listed above and other stakeholders that you think might be important. For example,

EPA MA Twitter Account

The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust Twitter Account

MACleanEnergyCenter Twitter Account

Cambridge Water Depart.

Environmental Working Group Twitter Account

Berkshire Environmental Action Team Twitter Account

Your Levers of Change

Select the lever(s) of change you want to pull using the following Project Planning Sheet (Note! You will continue to expand this worksheet as you make a plan for your action). Click here for your own copy of the Project Planning Sheet.

[S] Levers of Change & Means

Our Path

10 Qs Arc - 3rd -4th bucket

Essential Questions:

How do I decide if, when, and how to engage in civic and social action?

How can I engage as a member of my local, national, and global community?