News from the Nest 

Dacula Middle School

137 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA  30019 / 770.963.1110

January 5, 2024

DMS Testing Corner

iReady Mid-Year Testing 

Monday, 1/8th - Tuesday, 1/9th

 All students will be completing these assessments. Please have your student to school on time to avoid having to complete makeups.

S1 Post Test Makeups will be completed on Monday, 1/8th & Tuesday, 1/9th for any student that did not complete these mandatory assessments before Winter Break. 

Not completing these tests will result in the student receiving a zero in that class.

From Our Friends at the Dacula Public Library

Great Things are Happening at DMS!

Our weekly Falcon Five newscast is created by our Journalism Students for and about all the amazing things going on in our building!

Georgia Parent Survey

Georgia Parent Survey

The Georgia Parent Survey is designed to give parents an opportunity to share input with the Georgia Department of Education. It contains 24 questions. Parents may complete the survey using a personal computer, smartphone, or tablet. Parents that do not have access to the Internet, should contact their child’s school to arrange to complete the survey at the school.


The data parents provide by completing this survey will be used as part of the calculation of the School Climate Star Rating. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the Georgia Department of Education for analysis. 

Individual data results from the Georgia Parent Survey will not be available to system or school personnel or the public and will not be posted online. 

Please provide your voice for Gwinnett County Public Schools by clicking HERE and completing the survey.

8th Grade ~ Events & Save the Dates

Morning Student Drop Off Reminders

For safety reasons, morning car rider students should not exit their vehicles until the first bell rings at 8:55am. Students are not allowed to enter the building until that time as there is no staff supervision available.

Students needing to be dropped off prior to the morning bell must use the bus lanes and enter the cafeteria up until 8:35am. After that point, all traffic must go through and line up in the car rider lanes at the front of the building.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this important safety issue! 

Parent Mentors Present

DMS Club Slideshow QR Code: 

Scan with your phone's camera app

Get Involved at DMS

“Understanding Post-Secondary Outcomes and How it Connects to the Transition Plan in the IEP”


Parents/Guardians of students receiving Special Education services


Parent Mentors Present: “Understanding Post-Secondary Outcomes and How it Connects to the Transition Plan in the IEP”


Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 AM or 6:00 - 7:30 PM


In-Person registration link for 10:00am session:

Zoom registration link for 6pm session:

Sign Up for ParentSquare!

ParentSquare is GCPS's new communication tool for families, schools, and teachers. 

Please be sure to sign up and activate your notifications to receive important school and GCPS information.

 All of our DMS communication has moved to this platform!

Make a Difference ~ Become a Mentor!

Home of the R.E.A.L. Falcons

Dacula Middle School will become a world-class school that provides a safe and nurturing environment where students acquire the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and beliefs to be successful in college and careers in a diverse society.