Workshops provide faculty and staff the opportunity to learn about a variety of assessment practices and techniques. These workshops are held on the ESU campus from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Participants can also join in by using the zoom collaboration tool. Contact the Institutional Effectiveness Office (620-341-6829) for the current workshop schedule or inquire by email to Dr. JoLanna Kord.

Workshop Topics and Descriptions

Assessment Essentials

This workshop introduces participants to the basic tenets of assessment practices. The topics covered include Assessment Terminology, the 9 Principles of Good Practices for Assessing Student Learning, the Role of Accreditation, and an Introduction to Planning Assessment in your course. Click on the Assessment Essentials Video player to see a short overview for the workshop! Click on the Assessment Essentials video script file to open a text version.

Writing Meaningful and Measurable Student Learning Outcomes

In this workshop, you will learn about developing learning outcomes including information about the three domains of learning, levels of learning, data collection types, matching student learning experiences with the appropriate learning levels and practice writing student learning outcomes for your course.

Assessing Your General Education Course

Learn and practice a step-by-step process for identifying where in your course curriculum you are addressing general education goals, using the cycle of assessment to measure student learning related to the goals, how to score student learning using a rubric model, and how to identify applicable areas to employ student learning improvement strategies.

The Faculty Qualifications Folder: Managing your units Syllabi and Vitae files

The Faculty Qualifications Folder is the SharePoint site designated as our evidence repository for archiving documents to ensure compliance with Higher Learning Commission requirements. This workshop is designed to provide training for Administrative Assistants and Department Chairs in the processes of accessing the folder, applying file naming conventions, and planning for meeting deadlines for syllabi and vitae file uploads.

Planning and Implementing Course Embedded Assessment

This workshop covers multiple topics including the cycle of assessment, assessment planning, assessment methods, collecting data, analyzing findings, and implementing change strategies. A workshop handbook will be provided to assist in future reference to these topics.

Designing and Using Rubrics to Measure Student Learning

Using rubrics to your advantage is the theme of this 90-minute workshop. Attendees will learn basic information about rubrics, what the value of using a rubric is, how to construct a rubric, rubric construction with others, grading with rubrics, and variations on the theme. Some of the time will be hands on-experience designing a rubric including practicing the craft of writing dimension descriptions.

Simple Steps for Entering Your Course Assessment Report

This hands‐on workshop will take you through the step‐by‐step process of what you need to prepare and how you can approach entering your course assessment report information. This easy process accesses a preview version of the Course Level Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Tool and walks you through the process.

Using Assessment Data to make Decisions

Interpreting assessment findings and understanding the decision making process is foundational to improving student learning success in your courses. This workshop will use examples of how different types of data can be used to inform your change strategies including rubrics, excel spreadsheets, and qualitative narratives.