
Consultation services can be applied to all topic areas. Faculty and staff seek consultation services to assist in assessment, accreditation, and institutional research planning and implementation. Individual consultations address specific areas as requested. Contact our office to schedule a consultation session.

Consultation Services and Descriptions

Accreditation Planning and Implementation

Accreditation planning and practices are continuous and cyclical in nature. These efforts are the collaborative work of the faculty and administration. Depending on where an entity is in their accreditation cycle, dictates the activities and practices being completed. There are many different accrediting bodies including regional, state, and discipline specific. Regional accreditation confirms the quality and integrity of the overall institution. Specialized accreditation ensures the quality and currency of academic degree programs and major disciplines of study. Some programs are accredited by more than one accrediting body. All of these entities present requirements and guidelines for expected practices that ensure the quality and credibility of the program being recognized. Our consulting services provide guidance and advice in navigating these required practices.

Assessment Planning and Implementation

Academic excellence exhibited through the success of our students is the key driver for our assessment practices. Assessment is the tool that we use to gain valuable information about the quality of our student learning experiences. Institution-wide, we embrace the continuous evolution of the learning experience and emphasize the currency of the curricula. The coordination of these assessment practices is facilitated through the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Our consulting services include assistance with department, unit, program, and course level assessment planning and implementation efforts.

Curriculum Mapping

The currency of the curricula is paramount to providing students with a valuable and credible learning experience. Our 5-year program level assessment cycle plans emphasize a review and refresh of the program curriculum map every fifth year. Making curriculum changes during the 5-year time frame is encouraged, and should be timely when it is recognized that there is a need for updating. Curriculum mapping is most effective when it is a collaborative effort among program faculty. Our office provides leadership in facilitating curriculum mapping exercises and guiding the faculty through this collaborative process.

Planning an Individual or Group Consultation

Preparing individuals and groups prior to consultation sessions improves the effectiveness and success for everyone involved. Preparation consists of identifying and recording expected goals and outcomes for the sessions, gathering information and documents related to the topics of the sessions, and briefing individuals of their roles and expectations. Organizing ahead of time goes a long way in creating efficiencies in the consultation process.

Strategic Planning and Implementation

Strategic planning occurs at all levels of the institution and is cyclical in nature. The institution's strategic plan is executed within each operational unit and the contexts of these strategies are aligned with providing higher education opportunities and support for the communities where it operates. Strategic planning is a collaborative endeavor and is inclusive of both internal and external stakeholders. Institution-wide strategic planning is beyond the scope of the services provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, however we can provide facilitation of planning practices at the unit level. The office does provide the mechanisms for tracking and reporting institution-wide strategic planning accomplishments.