
Institution-wide assessment practices are embraced by the university community. Faculty and staff alike employ assessment as a tool for confirming the integrity of student learning and to continuously improve the learning experience. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness assists the campus community in planning, implementing, analyzing, and reporting assessment practices.

Assessment Practices

Institution-Wide Assessment Planning

The planning and implementation of assessment practices occurs in all academic and operational units. Academic schools, colleges, departments, and Student Affairs co-curricular programs all have assessment plans in place to measure student learning outcomes and report their assessment practices in the Planning Module of Campus Labs. Operating units that provide support services, learning environments, and facilities coordinate their assessment practices through non-instructional program reviews.

Assessment and Shared Governance Operations

Organizing and facilitating institution-wide assessment practices and keeping the campus community abreast of the external expectations for accountability are coordinated through the work of a variety of campus shared governance groups. These governance groups are assigned roles based on the needs of the colleges, schools, departments, and the specialized accrediting entities which provide guidelines and criteria for confirming and reaffirming accreditation standards. The Student Learning Assessment Council (SLAC) is the shared governance entity that is charged with facilitating institution-wide assessment practices in alignment with the regional accreditation standards of the Higher Learning Commission. This shared governance group serves as an assessment leader within their schools, colleges, and departments. SLAC members are department chairs, associate deans, student affairs leaders, and are led by the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness.

Department and Unit Level Assessment Plans

The chairs of the academic departments and the student affairs unit directors lead assessment efforts in their respective areas. This formal process ensures that assessment practices are symmetrical across all institution operations. The plans include academic major programs of study, likewise co-curricular learning programs and activities are assessed for student learning outcomes achievements. Annually, these assessment leaders identify the assessment activities for the upcoming year and report on the findings, change strategies, and next steps at the conclusion of the academic year. These assessment reports are then assembled into an annual assessment report which evidences the inclusive assessment practices dedicated to the improvement of the student learning experience. These practices are one way that the institution confirms its commitment to Academic Excellence!

Developing Assessment Capacity

In order for the institution to have a culture dedicated to using assessment as a tool to continuously improve the student learning experience, the faculty and staff must to be knowledgeable about assessment practices. Building assessment capacity includes having a clear plan for how assessment practices are implemented including well-defined roles and expectations for faculty and staff. The Student Learning Improvement Plan serves as an institution-wide perspective and guidebook. The Audio file titled "Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning" introduces the 9 key principles that we embrace to perpetuate our assessment practices. A Text Script for the Principles of Good Practice audio file is available to download.

General Education Program Assessment

The General Education Assessment Team (GEAT) was created in 2016 to assist the General Education Council with maintaining a systematic cycle of program-level assessment of the general education curriculum. The GEAT consists of Faculty representing across-disciplinary departments and schools. Annually, a select group of faculty are charged with assessing the general education program at the goal level. This group measures the extent to which the general education goals are embedded within the courses identified in the curriculum and checks the alignment of the course student learning outcomes. GEAT also analyzes the existing assessment data and practices to identify areas where additional data may be needed to inform the improvement of the program. These collaborative assessment efforts are accomplished through GEAT’s assessment projects, with a new GEAT group assembled and charged to undertake a new assessment project each year. The Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and the Director of General Education co-lead the efforts of the GEAT.