
Fall 2020 / Spring 2021

Information Technology

Faculty and Staff - Heart of a Hornet is something the Web and Digital Strategies team enjoy being able to do for Hornet Nation. Information Technology has really shown excellence over the year, thank you Cory Falldine and Brian Osbourn for all you do for our teams!

Brett McClaughlin

Brett McLaughlin

Assistant Athletic Director

Emporia State University wants to thank Brett and the rest of his crew for creating the senior recognition event, The Corky's. The Corky's were an experience appreciated by the seniors, staff, and many more. Although they were unable to be held in person, Brett went above and beyond to make sure they were still special and creative; and the staff and team are grateful. A lot of things have been taken away this semester, but Brett has done a fantastic job of making sure the spirit of The Corky's was still present!

Michael Behrens

Michael Behrens

Assistant Professor of English

Michael truly exemplifies the Heart of a Hornet! Without divulging too much of a student's situation, I will share that Michael was very sympathetic and understanding with a student. He was exceptionally flexible and worked with this student to offer an approach to modify a difficult situation. Important layers of this situation include: quickly moving online, international student, student overseas, completed semester.

Student Advising Center

Student Advising Center

The Student Advising Center has worked tirelessly since Spring Break with students. When everyone was sent home, SAC pivoted immediately to move enrollment and advising on line. That is all excellent! The real amazing piece, though, is that right after everyone moved home, Hornet Connections started. Very quickly the process of enrollment for our new students was changed. SAC quickly created a very individualized, personable, one-on-one experience for the hundreds of new students needing to get enrolled. SAC created a way to engage students and their parents. They helped these new Hornets to feel wanted and important, despite COVID uncertainty. Students and parents were able to talk with advisors and enroll with their very own advisor. Typically Hornet Connections last one day. This new approach was each advisor working with each of their new advisees for 45 minutes to one hour. Hornet Connection became a week-long event. So SAC continued to enroll their own advisees for fall, while also performing a personalized Hornet Connection enrollment experience for our new students. They also managed Early Alert notices coming in and other parts of their responsibilities. I am very proud of this team! They exemplify the ESU Core Values! And they largely contribute to the success of ESU's retention and graduation rates.

Candy Johnson

Candy Johnson

William Allen White Library

Candy came of out retirement to assist Darian with Interlibrary Loan. Both of them are key individuals in offering our Curbside Service to ESU students, faculty, and staff. She also assist's the library community in Kansas and beyond our borders by providing materials to individuals from other communities who might need to borrow something that ESU owns. Candy has been essential in keeping our library running during this interesting time.

Office of International Education

International Education Office

The OIE has gone above and beyond to meet the needs of international students through the challenges of the past few months. The OIE has ensured students were able return home or remain safely in Emporia with the support that they need so far from home. Through phone calls and texts, video chats, live streams, and an uncountable number of emails, the OIE has been proactive and engaged in removing obstacles and connecting students to the resources and information they need to begin or continue their education with as little disruption as possible

Sam Derksen

Sam Derksen

Information Technology

Sam is always ready and willing to help with any project and answers every question quickly and with a positive attitude. I know with the transition to the virtual world, Sam, and all of the IT department, have been tasked with a number of different initiatives, but no matter how busy he is, Sam never makes you feel like you're inconveniencing him. Helpful. Friendly. Reliable. Professional. Sam is a tremendous asset to ESU.

George Head

George Head

Information Technology

George was on top of my technical issue, I called IT and they sent George over to work on my ticket. It was not an easy fix, George worked diligently all day to make sure I had my technology working for my presentation at 3:00. He worked hard knowing I was going to have to cancel my presentation in front of a large group if he didn't get the issue fix. Under the wire, 15 minutes before my presentation, he was able to fix it. He made multiple phone calls to colleagues to try and troubleshoot. He also came by the next day to make sure everything worked okay. He did this all with an awesome attitude. Much appreciated!

Ryan O'Meara

Ryan o'meara

Art Director - Marketing and Media Relations

Ryan has gone above & beyond to help me with a personal project for a friend who passed away. The quality of this project and effort he put in will make this family smile and remember her fondly for years to come. I am forever grateful to him for his help on this and so many other projects! We are so VERY lucky to have him at ESU!

Jason Santangelo

Jason Santangelo

Assistant Director for Athletic Development

Jason was able to organize a couple of wonderful activities for two of our ESU supporters that was truly above and beyond the call of duty. He arranged to have several Foundation and Athletics staff visit one who is currently residing in a local care home, with everyone making signs and lining up outside of his window to parade through, wave and tell him hello. This fantastic display of Hornet pride lifted the spirits of many residents at this nursing home. He also organized staff from both Athletics and Advancement to help paint the garage of an ESU donor and volunteer. She was very grateful to everyone for this act of kindness, and many ESU employees involved agreed that it lifted their spirits as well, reminding us why we do what do and the power behind Hornet Nation.

Allan Comstock

Allan Comstock

Chair of Music

Allan put in a lot of extra work on the Instructional Planning/Classroom Protocols handbook with Tim. Allan is always willing to go above and beyond for the campus and the health and safety of the ESU faculty, staff, and students.

Tim Burnett

Tim Burnett

Chair of Biological Sciences

Tim contributed a lot of extra work with the Instructional Planning/Classroom Protocols handbook with Allan. Tim is always willing to go above and beyond for the campus and the health and safety of the ESU faculty, staff, and students.

Regina Mutanha

Regina Mutanha

Financial Aid Office

Regina consistently goes above and beyond to serve our students and our university. Keeping the student experience in mind when working, coordinating the awarding of scholarships, and taking on additional responsibility to help implement a new scholarship management platform. Taking proactive steps to ensure the use of our scholarships is as strategic as possible to help recruit and retain students; and current and prospective students are aware of opportunities. She accomplishes these things with professionalism, responsiveness, and kindness. Regina does all-around great work and is always a pleasure to interact with.

Jenni Denton

Jenni Denton

Foundation Vice President-Stewardship and Administration and Associate Vice President for University Advancement

Jenni Denton embodies all ESU stands for and stands is strongly dedicated to ESU and goes above and beyond in her job. She always steps up to help others and is an incredible leader. She is a true Hornet through and through.

Student Counseling & Wellness Center

Student Wellness Photo

Student Wellness and the Counseling Center have been working tirelessly testing students for COVID, offering general healthcare services, and counseling students through this very difficult time. Thank you for taking care of our students and keeping them physically and mentally healthy.

Missy Nurnberger

Missy Nurnberger

Collections and Student Accounts

Missy embodies all of ESU's core values. She consistently provides excellent service to the students and parents that she interacts with. I know that sometimes people are stressed or frustrated when they contact her, yet she always remains patient, compassionate, and treats them with respect. Her daily work and interactions show that she truly cares for ESU students and her peers and makes sure they know that they are seen, heard, and appreciated.

Maria Alvarado

Maria Alvarado

Student Services

Maria has so much passion and works hard at her job. She is never too far away if you are in need of help. It’s individuals like Maria that make ESU a great place to be. Thank you, Maria for all you do for the University. You work is appreciated so much.

Melodi Bowen

Melodi Bowen

Mathematics and Economics

Ms. Melodi Bowen joined our department a little longer than a year ago. She is such a wonderful colleague who has made exceptional contributions to our department and our university already. She quickly learned all the aspects of the job and handled every task promptly and professionally.

Shari Scribner

Shari Scribner

University Libraries and Archives

Shari is always smiling and happy whenever I see her. She is a ray of sunshine at all times here in the library. She is always there to help me and has endless patience. I am thankful to know such a wonderful person; she makes me want to work harder.

Heart of a Hornet

Mary Lopez

Music Department

Mary Lopez has been with the music department for about 12 years now, and her excellence and responsibility have been invaluable. As our department chair has been working from home since last spring, she is the one in the office that helps all of us; both faculty and current ESU students and prospective students. She has assumed a lot of extra responsibility since Dr. Comstock has been working from home, which of course she does not get extra compensation for. She has definitely gone above and beyond since COVID, but has always done that. She jumps in to help our department run smoothly and her calmness and professionalism are truly valued.

Roberta Eichenberg

Art Department

Roberta takes student concerns very seriously and often lends an ear to help them through any academic challenge that they run into. She is laid back and has done her best to create a supportive atmosphere in the department during an incredibility stressful time for herself as Department Chair, her colleagues and students in the department. She also has a new adorable dog.

Abigail Brooks

SAC Office

Abigail Brooks joined the SAC office in August 2020. Such a busy time to jump in as school was starting back up and we were transitioning back to campus. She was been awesome in helping with signal vine text help, and just helping all of us advisees all of the time. She is always so bubbly and pleasant, and I miss seeing her smiling face since we are doing online advising. But I get to see it in our weekly zoom staff meetings, and I"m so glad for that! She is so helpful and not condescending, and just generally her respect and service in such a positive way have been so appreciated and valued. She truly daily goes above and beyond in doing her job with excellence in helping us advisor work online and be our "face" in the office. Mary Lopez has been with the music department for about 12 years now, and her excellence and responsibility have been invaluable. As our department chair has been working from home since last spring, she is the one in the office that helps all of us; both faculty and current ESU students and prospective students. She has assumed a lot of extra responsibility since Dr. Comstock has been working from home, which of course she does not get extra compensation for. She has definitely gone above and beyond since COVID, but has always done that. She jumps in to help our department run smoothly and her calmness and professionalism are truly valued.

Morgan Willingham

Assistant Professor

Morgan is organized, collegial and highly reliable. If there is an obscure procedural question in the department or university, Morgan either knows the answer or knows where to find it. If Morgan is tasked with any committee work, you know that it will be done thoroughly and often before schedule. She is constantly researching to improve her approach to teaching and the overall photography area. She also has fluffy cat that sometimes walks on her keyboard.

Bill Mckernan

Director of University Facilities

During a time of strife, Bill fought for his employees. Showed compassion and leadership and great resolve. When faced with overwhelming odds he persevered. Bill has the respect of everyone below him. From replacing Mark Runge, the time Covid 19 hit the campus, to the financial struggle that followed. Bill has stepped up to the plate and weathered the storm for his Facility employees. Bill grieved and stressed and spent endless hours on these matters. Being able to be a part of, and to be a witness to the toll it has taken on Bill. Revealing the human side of the job. We are very proud of Bill and what he has accomplished here in facilities, in the short time he has been here at ESU. Thank you for all you do for Emporia State University. Hornets like you are what makes this institution truly a great place to be!

Jasmine Linabary

Assistant Professor Department of Communication & Theatre

Dr. Linabary's service at all levels is of the highest order; its scope and effect is downright staggering! She has founded and organized a variety of initiatives and events, served on vital university-level committees, and assisted her own and other departments and programs. She has displayed boundless energy and skill in creating and nurturing the aforementioned Community Impact Challenge and the EAT Initiative. The latter has developed into President Garrett's Summer 2020 commissioning of Emporia State’s Basic Needs Coalition, a committee that Jasmine agreed to co-chair for the group’s first two years. Her technological and leadership expertise were obviously highly valued when Dr. Linabary was asked to serve on ESU's COVID-19 Classroom and Instruction Working Group, also in Summer 2020. Moreover, she has appeared on the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities Committee. She also has an extremely strong record of serving local and global entities such as local businesses and community organizations via the Emporia Strong website, groups and coalitions devoted to the health of Lyon County residents, World Pulse (i.e., a nonprofit that enhances women’s opportunities for voice and organizing for social change), the United States Agency for International Development in Liberia, and the Purdue Peace Project.

April dickason

Administrative Specialist, Department of Biological Science

April has been an enormous help as a new staff member. Throughout the first year and even into the second year she has been generous with her time and assistance to help answer question, give instructions, and know where to find the answer always being patient. No question was never to trivial for her to answer and encouraging.

Heart of a Hornet

Linda orear

Business Administration, School of Business

Linda is an integral part of the team. She is a consummate professional in all of her administrative duties and then goes above and beyond our expectations to support faculty, students and our mission. From making arrangements for our meetings to remembering birthdays, from baking "goodies" for students and to working with facilities maintenance crews, from preparing "something for the road" for our student athletic teams to checking classrooms' equipment, she has taken a lead on those projects that support faculty, students, and administration. Simply put – we don’t know what we would do without her!

Deena wilson

School Leadership/Middle & Secondary Teacher Education

Deena joined the department in the middle of the pandemic but nonetheless jumped right in by quickly establishing positive relationships with all faculty, instructors, and GAs--despite most individuals working remotely during this time. Deena anticipates the needs of students and staff and will frequently step in to fill gaps before the rest of us even realized a gap existed. She is also always going out of her way to help others. Deena is such a positive, thoughtful individual and we are so lucky to have her as part of the School Leadership/Middle & Secondary Education department!

Music Faculty

The Music Faculty have gone above and beyond to find creative ways to conduct ensemble rehearsals and teach music lessons during "social distancing" Ramiro Miranda & Irene Diaz do great work with the strings program and orchestras. Always a joy to work with, humble, kind and cheerful through it all. Gary & Tess Ziek are the same for the concert & jazz bands. William Woodworth for the Athletic Bands, Tracy Freeze for percussion and coordinating the Live Streaming of concerts. Andy Houchins teaching Music Theory, Martin Cuellar, Kate Bergman, Penny Speedie, Scott Wichael, Tiffany Budke and all our adjuncts!

Kyle ramsey

Building Services

As the General Maintenance Repair Tech for Building Services, Kyle makes the department run smoothly. Kyle gets our supplies delivered whenever needed, makes sure all equipment is running properly, and installs all dispensers wherever they are needed. Kyle performs his job as well if not better than anyone in recent memory.

Marlene Swisher

Storekeeper Specialist, Building Services

Marlene Swisher is a devoted and loyal employee. Her position covers several areas and yet she is able to juggle deliveries, receipts, manages the mailroom, covering the office as well as other duties that are given to her. She handles all her duties with ease and is a friendly, helpful and smiling face for all the departments across campus.

Bekah Shelby

Math and Economics

Dr. Selby is a professor with an incredible devotion to her work and her students. She has this amazing ability to believe in her student's process and talents, which she makes sure to let us know. I think her teaching approach is focused on guiding the students so we can find what we are passionate about and how to learn the necessary skills to be really good at it.

Lucie Eusey


For more than 20 years, Lucie's professional goal has been to have the units she works for at ESU make a great first impression, From print materials to Powerpoint slides to social media images, she is respected for the quality of work she produces. As an alum of ESU and a long-time resident of Emporia, she constantly strives to reveal the beauty of our campus and city


Building Services

Dana keeps Cremer Hall neat and tidy, inside and out. Her thorough cleaning shows throughout the building. She is quick to respond when emergencies arise. Dana truly cares about the appearance of our building, promptly reporting maintenance problems when found. Her friendly and bubbly personality are enjoyed by faculty, staff, and students. Dana definitely deserves recognition of having a “Heart of a Hornet.”