Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be recognized?

Any ESU faculty or staff member.

Who can submit a recognition form?

Any ESU student, faculty, or staff member can recognize an ESU faculty or staff member. ESU login is required to access the form.

Can I recognize multiple people at once?

Yes, you may add multiple people to a single form, but the recognition should be for a related act of exceptional service.

Can I recognize an entire department?

Yes, this is an option on the form.

What do recipients of the recognition receive?

Those selected may appear on the Heart of a Hornet website, Hornet TV and receive a digital graphic to share on social media. Those with exceptional "above and beyond" service may receive additional recognition.

Will my recognition be anonymous?

There is an option on the form to not share your identity with the person/department you are recognizing. The review committee will know your identity, however.

Who is the review committee?

A peer group that is a cross representation of the university. The review committee will rotate on a regular basis which will be determined.