Module 3 - Activity 1

Welcome to Social Learning!

Directions: Review the Integrative Learning AAC&U Value Rubric which is a shared Google document. Open the document by clicking on the Begin Activity 1 button at the bottom of the page. Follow the directives provided in the document to complete the activity. When you are done with the activity, notify the instructor of your accomplishment by sending an email to JoLanna Kord. This activity is worth 40 points.

Faculty Collaborations Improve Assessment Instruments

You will be participating in this social learning activity with other new faculty members. The overall goal for this activity is to employ the expertise of all new faculty to adapt the integrative learning rubric for use in evaluating course specific learning outcomes. Once everyone has participated in the activity, we will be able to see each others edits and comments for the rubric. It is anticipated there are many ways to adapt the rubric to better match the learning in specific courses. Using a common rubric for assessing program level learning outcomes is a best practice and this social learning strategy is widely employed to develop common topic rubrics.

When you have completed the integrative learning rubric activity, continue on to Module 3 summary.