Module 2 - Activity 2

Welcome to simulation learning!


Review the Hierarchy of Student Learning Outcomes diagram and the General Education Program Goals shown on this webpage. When you are familiar with the information, click on the Proceed to Simulation button and you will engage in a learning simulation in Campus Labs Baseline module. This Learning Simulation activity is worth 20 points and is your graded activity for this section of module 2. Your responses submitted in the simulation will be recorded and serve as evidence of your completion of this activity.

Hierarchy of Student Learning Outcomes screenshot

General Education Program Goals

Overarching Goals of General Education:

  1. Core Skills

  2. Breadth of Knowledge

  3. Cultural Awareness and Cultural Competence

  4. Creative Thinking

  5. Critical Thinking

  6. Integrative Learning

All general education courses should contribute to the development of….

Core Skills: Demonstrate effective skills in written communication, speaking/presentational communication, quantitative/mathematical/analytical reasoning, information technology, and information literacy.

Breadth of Knowledge: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ideas, concepts, principles, and skills from a wide range of academic disciplines that can be used to inform civic, social, cultural, political, educational, scientific, health, and business decisions.

Cultural Awareness and Cultural Competence: Demonstrate the cultural awareness knowledge and cultural competency skills necessary to harmoniously live and successfully work as members of a diverse, global community.

Creative Thinking: Demonstrate the knowledge and abilities to combine or synthesize new or existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways and the application of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way characterized by a high degree of innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.

Critical Thinking: Demonstrate the ability to define an issue, idea, or problem, gather relevant data, critically evaluate its context, conduct appropriate analyses, and use this information to develop well-reasoned arguments and make well-informed decisions.

Integrative Learning: Demonstrate understanding and apply skills learned across the curriculum and co-curriculum in making connections among ideas and experiences from different disciplines, to synthesize concepts, and transfer learning to complex situations and problems.

*You will need a copy of your course syllabus to reference in the simulation. When you are ready to complete the simulation activity select the Proceed to Simulation button. It will open in a new browser window. When done with the activity, you can come back to this page to continue to the Module 2 summary.