Training & Workshops

Having a Career Services Staff member speak in your class or to your group is a great way to integrate career planning and professionalism into your learning objectives and initiatives. To submit a request, simply fill out our Online Presentation Request Form at least two weeks before your preferred program date. Presentations are delivered between regular business hours of 8am - 5pm, Monday-Friday. Staff will consider requests outside of regular business hours, if a staff member is available. 

Presentation Topics

Job Search Strategies & Resume Writing

Learn how to conduct a job search and develop strategies to help find the right fit. Learn the basics of resume writing and how to use it to market yourself. 

Presentation Resources: 

Interviewing & Professional Dress 

Learn how to prepare for an interview and how to answer difficult interview questions. Learn the differences between business casual and business professional along with when it is appropriate to wear each. 

Presentation Resources:

Salary Negotiation

Learn how to negotiate salary after receiving a job offer.

Presentation Resources:

Career Exploration and Planning

Learn how to navigate career options and explore opportunities based off different industries. 

Presentation Resources: 

Handshake Overview and Demonstration

Learn how to use Handshake to: schedule an appointment with Career Services, search for jobs, and network with peers and employers. 

Graduate/professional school PREPARATION 

Learn when and how to begin preparing for graduate or professional school. 

Presentation Resources:

Internships/High impact experiences 

Learn how to optimize an internship or high impact experience. 

Presentation Resources:

Myers-briggs type indicator (mbti) administration

Learn insight into student preferences for type of work, communication style, work environment, potential stressors, and areas of strength.

Career ServicesMemorial Union 050(620)