Career Exploration

Choosing a major may be one of the biggest decisions you have ever made, as well as one of the most stressful. Rest assured that Career Services is here to guide you through making informed decisions. For more information, contact Career Services at (620) 341-5407 or email

Getting started

Whether you have several majors that interest you, and need help narrowing your focus, or have no idea where to even start, taking a career assessment can be a great way to learn more about yourself and areas of interest to you. All career assessments are FREE to ESU students. 

Career Assessments


Interested in learning about majors that align with your interests and skills? Complete the MyMajors assessment to find your top ten suggested majors at ESU.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI is for students who may wish to gain insight into their preferences for type of work, communication style, work environment, potential stressors, and areas of strength. While the MBTI can be completed online, a "Testing" appointment must be scheduled with a Career Counselor to receive and interpret results. 

Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI)

The CTI can be helpful in identifying areas of decision-making confusion, commitment anxiety, and external sources of conflict. This is a paper-and-pencil assessment, and requires a Career Counseling appointment to administer and interpret. 

The 4-Year College to Career Plan will help guide you as you progress toward graduation. The Career Services staff is available to assist students who have questions or desire additional guidance.

Explore by Occupation

O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of occupations, including tasks, skills, education requirements, as well as general and localized salary information. 

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) allows you to search by occupation group, education requirements, salary, and even projected growth rate. This site is maintained by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Explore detailed industry guides that give insight into the field, tips for getting hired, resources for networking, and much more!

Explore by Major

Interested in learning about majors that align with your interests and skills? Complete the MyMajors assessment to find your top ten suggested majors at ESU.

What Can I Do With This Major?

Whether you’re exploring majors or searching for information about your chosen field, this website will help you connect majors to careers. Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. Click here and select the gold "What Can I Do With This Major" button to start exploring your options now!

Learn more about each major offered at ESU through the Career Pathways. Each document contains information on commonly selected occupations, job outlook, destination information for ESU graduates within that major, and tips for making yourself more marketable to employers upon graduation.

Undergraduate Majors & programs

ESU offers a wide range of academic programs to help you build the skills you need to achieve your career goals. Explore our programs by clicking here.

Career ServicesMemorial Union 050(620)