Usage of "Sophos Central Endpoint (Sophos Cloud)"

 (Trial introduction)

2015/01/15 Created

2023/03/10 Updated

Sophos Central Endpoint (Sophos Cloud)

Cloud-managed antivirus software provided by Sophos Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as “Sophos Cloud”)

Supported OS

Advantages for users

Advantages for administrators

Possible to monitor and manage the usage status of Sophos Cloud , the status of virus detection, etc. with the management server by Computer Services

Usage Fee

Free (Usage fee is covered by the budget of Information and Computer Committee.)

Those who can use

*Those who fall under 3. are required to submit an application form for usage of computer services.

How to use

Please visit Computer Services to fill in and submit your commitment form regarding the usage of Sophos Cloud.

*Those who fall under 3. are required to submit an application form for usage of computer services, too.

When your request is accepted, an email with the following sender and subject is sent to your email address (** Please make sure to save it.


Subject:   Software Deployment For Sophos Central

*If you do not have the personal email address  of Faculty of Economics, that email is sent to your email address filled in your application form for usage of computer services.

That email contains the URL (link) of the installer.

*The URL (link) is different for each email address.

The URL (link) for Mac (macOS) and the URL (link) for Windows are contained.

Please download the installer and run it to install Sophos Cloud.

You can use that installer to install Sophos Cloud on multiple PCs used by yourself.

Precautions for usage

(The email address used to install Sophos Cloud is  shown on the management server.)

If you lost your Deployment email, please contact Computer Services. Computer Services sent you a new Deployment email.