
HCOP Flyer 1.pdf


If you're interested in a career in health sciences and your GPA is 3.5 or higher, see the flyer and scan the QR code for more details and to apply to this amazing summer opportunity! 

The deadline is April 30th!

Denton ISD is hosting our 2nd annual HBCU College Fair on Wednesday, February 21, 6-8 at Denton High School. There will be several HBCU Colleges and Universities represented, as well as members of fraternities and sororities and community programs.

Students of ALL ages are welcome to attend. Bring a friend!

We look forward to seeing you!

HBCU flyer 23-24.pdf
Rising 9th Transition Night 2024(1).pdf

Future Raiders -

Current 8th grade students slated to be Raiders in the fall of 2024 are encouraged to attend the Rising 9th Transition Night on Monday,  January 22, 2024 at 6:30pm. We invite you to learn more about the the academic and social opportunities RHS has to offer, meet RHS staff members, club sponsors, coaches, etc. Tell a friend and we look forward to meeting you! 


Stop by the University of North Texas for their annual NorTex college fair on Monday, September 11th! Over 100 college representatives will be in attendance to answer questions about their school, programs/degrees and organizations available, and more. This a free event and great opportunity for exposure to colleges and universities.  See flyers below for more details. We hope to see you there! 

Take Flight Flyer.pdf
Take Flight with UNT & H-E-B.pdf
NorTex College Fair 2023 - Students.pdf


Freshman First Day will be on Wednesday, August 9th. Schedules will be handed out starting at 8:30 am. Students will be greeted by our building principal, be given a presentation, be provided with an overview of the day’s agenda, and then go through both their A day and B day schedules.  The purpose of the day is for our incoming Freshman to become comfortable with the building to ensure a successful first day of school on August 10th.  Busses will be provided. Transportation will be providing information via email. If you are providing your child with transportation, please drop your child off at 8:30 am and plan on picking your student up at 1:05 pm at our drop off and pick lane located by the new Fine Arts Center.

We are excited to meet our new Ryan Raiders!