Housewarming project page

Roman Food/Meals

Food Notes Handout - this is being assigned and turned in via the google classroom

International Dinner Page of Links

Hustwit's food handouts - saved from deletion elsewhere on the web.

*Roman Cuisine- plenty of information on food generally eaten, food preservation etc

*Words for Foods in Latin

*Roman Eating Habits info ppt

Helpful Websites

Roman Dinner Parties -

Food in the Roman World

Ancient Roman Recipes -

Roman Breads

History of Bread

Ancient Roman Dishes- Roman recipes - Roman hamburgers, water and honey melons, souffle of small fishes, chicken with liquid (wine) filling, fried veal, rolls, shrimp

A Taste of the Ancient World- outstanding images and info on all facets of food and food production and storage (no recipes) -

Roman meals and food - what the Romans ate and when...links to recipes are at the bottom

Ancient Roman Cuisine -

Roman food - Rich vs Poor

Top 10 things the Romans ate and drank

Things the Romans did not eat - What they didn't have


Roman Banquet and Entertainment [last paragraph] -