Latin 3/4 resources

For Lesson Plans and Missing Assignments,

go to Canvas

The textbook can be found online at

The textbook also has lots of games and practice activities to help you practice.

Pages for individual authors can be found in the links

Dictionaries Online

Mile's superawesome dictionary site

Whitaker's Words

"The short Short" - a short-ish version of the HUGE one listed below

Lewis and Short .- digital version of the HUGE Latin dictionary...when you really want to know

Links to Handouts and Practice for Verb topics. [Gerund/ive, FAP, Fut, Infin, Participles, etc.]

Helpful Handouts

Verb Chart - Blank

Verb Chart color coded for principle parts.

Noun chart - Blank. Filled in


Uses of the Infinitive Slides

Indirect Statement

With Critters

Pyramus and Thisbe


Translation of tenses graphic organizer.


Notes for forming tenses

Table of the uses of the subjunctive - just notes

Uses of the subjunctive packet with practice exercises from Cambridge

Figures of Speech List

FOS poster assignment instructions

Hyperbaton -Illustrated Dictionary with Examples

Alliteration - Illustrated Dictionary with Examples

Figures of Speech in music instructions and example.


Scansion handout.

Scansion - the short version

Scansion 3 line Opens a New Window.practice with ppt to walk you through the answers

AP Latin Help

1. Anna's helpful hints to upcoming AP students Opens a New Window.

[FYI The test is changing, so it's a bit off, but the ideas are sound.]

2. Aeneid High Frequency vocab list 2012Opens a New Window.

3.Caesar High Frequency Vocab list 2012-in progress

4. IB Ovid Metamorphoses HF Vocab list - .docOpens a New Window. or .pdfOpens a New Window.

Summer IB/AP assignments

Both AP and IB students should read the Aeneid in English over the summer

IB students should also read Ovid's Metamorphoses in English and take notes on the stories therein