Fifth Period Representives
Fifth-period representatives and their alternates communicate information to their 5th period. They must be committed to creating fliers/advertisements on their 5th-period classroom door, and maintain pride in Hawk Nation.
This position requires a signed contract along with grades above a "D" or an "F". Candidate applications along with contracts are due 5 days prior to the voting and sent via Google form.
An anonymous voting takes place in September. Representatives attend monthly ASB meetings and will sign up for committees. They are each assigned a Lead Officer. If the main rep is not able to make it to the ASB meeting, they communicate to the officers and their alternate will attend the meeting instead.
Reps must have an ASB notebook with a printout of the agendas and information they are to convey back to their classes. If the main rep misses more than two meetings, the alt is given the main position.
ASB representatives count participation for spirit days and post the participation percentage on the ASB Google Classroom by 4 p.m.
If you are a 5th-period rep in 7th grade, you will earn extra points on your application if you choose to run as an 8th-grade ASB Officer.
ASB reps are expected to be a part of the ASB Activity Card Membership and to promote the sales of the membership so we may fund the DJS, photobooth ,games, prizes, security and decorations at socials and Spirit Day Events.