Running +

We run at many levels from beginner to elite. We are equally proud of our 'couch to 5k' and our members who consistently compete with elite runners up and down the country. This is 'Running +' . We encourage friendly competition within the club. We have a monthly time trial and a 'Grand Prix' . Runners with the best times are invited to our annual awards evening. 

Race Results

If you recently competed in a UKA event then you are eligible for entry into our club Grand Prix. This is a yearly ranking of members based on results, Winners are honoured in our annual presentation evening, Go to the Grand Prix page to fill in the form, Your form entries will be published for everyone to see at the end of the season. 

Good luck

Events and Race Blog

We have a brand new blog for events and races. We're working hard in the background to bring everything over from the old system. Meanwhile here is our brand new blog at


We add events in local counties to the Google Calendar. If you see any omissions, let me know and I'll make sure they are added.