Install Programs and Applications

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Installing Programs with the Software Manager

The built-in Software Manager for Linux Mint is the easiest way to find an install the programs you need for your computer. Any FOSS that has been made easily available can be found in the Software Manager and it acts much like an app store found on a smartphone. Using the Software Manager is, by no means, the only option for installing software, but it is the easiest.

To access the Software Manager, you will first need to open your menu found in the bottom left corner of your screen. Then you can search for the Software Manager or click on the Software Manager Icon usually found in the Favorites column on the left side.

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Once open, the Software Manager will give you a few different ways to find apps (or programs) that you want to install. In the top right corner you will find a search bar where you can type in the name of a program you want to install. In the middle of the window, you will find the Editor's Picks which is a randomized list of popular programs. And towards the bottom you will find a set of Categories in case you know that you want to install a certain type of software, but aren't sure what the name of any Linux Mint-compatible software would be.

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Using the search bar in the top right corner, we can type in the name of a program that we want to install and the Software Manager will automatically start finding programs that it associates with that name. This might mean that it will find the exact program that you type in, or it will find similar programs that also might interest you.

software manager search image

Generally, we suggest avoiding any programs that list themselves as a Flathub or Flatpak as these programs are isolated from the rest of your programs and won't be able to update the same way the rest of your programs will. They do tend to work right away, but can suffer from not getting the latest security or performance updates.

Once you find the program you are looking for, clicking on it will bring you to the information page.

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This Software Information Page will give you a bit more to look at and learn about before installing it. The first thing you will see is an image of what the program looks like when it is up and running. You will also see a small set of detailed information about the software (e.g. download size, version number, and the type of software) as well as user reviews.

software information image

When you are ready to install the software, you can click on the green Install button located in the top right corner of your screen. Clicking on it will likely bring up a new window that asks for your password and confirms that you do want to install the program.

install button image

After typing in your password, you should see the install button be replaced with a Progress Bar labeled Installing....

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And once the program has been installed, you should see a new red Remove button appear. This is one way for you to uninstall the program, should you ever want to do so. You can also uninstall programs directly from the Menu.

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Speaking of the Menu, once your program has been installed, you should be able to find it in the appropriate Menu Category or by searching for it using the Menu Search.

You can add this program to your Desktop, Panel, or Favorites by right clicking on the app while in your menu, and then clicking the appropriate option. Note that is is also how you can remove the program, should you ever want to do so.

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Left clicking on the program will open it, just like any other software. After a few moments, you should get a new window for your new program! Congrats - you just installed a new piece of software for your computer!

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Installing Software not found in the Software Manager

Not all software that you might want to install can be found in the Software Manager. For example, the Software Manager only contains FOSS (learn what FOSS means at our page here) so you will be able to find the software Chromium but not Google Chrome. Google Chrome, while free, is not open-source, so it is unavailable to be installed from the Software Manager. Instead, you have to go to Google's website to find the Chrome Installer, download it, and then run it on your computer (note that you won't find a version of Google Chrome for Linux Mint, but any software that is compatible with Ubuntu should also be compatible with Linux Mint).

Also, not all FOSS can be found in the Software Manager. Instead, you still might have to download it from the maker's website or use the Terminal to add the repository and/or install it.

Install Google Chrome on Linux

Installing software from the internet should always be done from the software maker's website or their GitHub whenever possible. Try to avoid downloading random software from the internet, even if it claims to be something reputable.

  1. Download the installation file from Google's Website:

  2. To open the package, click OK.

  3. Click Install Package.

Google Chrome will be added to your software manager so it stays up-to-date.

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Installing Software with the Terminal

Using the Terminal can be very intimidating, but it can also speed up the installation process of many programs. So let's break down some of the easier ways to find and install software using the Terminal. Note that these steps won't work for every piece of software, so if you're struggling to find the stuff that you are looking for, try checking the software maker's website to see if they have specific instructions on how to install their program(s).

To open your Terminal, you can find it in your Menu, on your Panel, or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+t.

In the top left corner of your terminal, you should see some green text. This text contains two pieces of information that are very important when doing other terminal commands, but not as important for what we're going to do today.

The first portion of the text contains the User who opened the Terminal. In this case, our User is EDU. Then, the Terminal lists the name of the computer we're using. In this case, our computer's name is Computer. The Terminal separates the name of the User and the name of the Computer with an @ symbol. Then, everything is followed up with the ~ (tilde) and $ (dollar) symbols. Again, these aren't important for the following steps, but are important for other tasks.

This is the section where you will be typing in the Command that you want the Terminal to execute.

Here we're going to type out most of the command that we want our terminal to perform. We're going to install Spotify using the terminal as our example. We're going to type:

sudo apt install spot

And let's break down that command and see what all of the components are.


sudo stands for Super User Do. A Super User is an administrator, so we're basically saying, "do the following command as an administrator." This gives the command more privileges and is often required for certain tasks, like installing software.


apt is the program that we are giving administrator privileges to with the sudo command. apt is the software that Linux Mint sometimes uses to install new software.


This portion can change depending on what we want our program apt to do. In this case, we want apt to install something, so we are going to use the install command.


And this final section is what we want our apt program to install. Notice that we are going to use Spotify as our installation example, but we've only typed in spot so far. That's because we're going to use something called tab-complete to finish our command!

If we were to type sudo apt install spotify we would get an error that says "Unable to locate package spotify"

This is because just using the name of the software doesn't always tell the terminal all of the information it needs.

So, to find out exactly what it is we are trying to install, we're going to use a feature built into the terminal called tab-complete.

If there were only one option for software installations, then pressing the Tab key once would auto-complete the word that we were about to type. However, since there are multiple files that start with the word spot, then we need to press the Tab key twice. This will bring up a list of all the potential options for installation.

Generally, we want to look for something with the name of the software we're trying to install (in this case, that would be Spotify) and either the word installer or client. In the options that our tab-complete is showing, we can see spotify-client as an option, so that's what we'll use.

We can finish typing out our command like this:

sudo apt install spotify-client

After pressing the enter key on our keyboard, the terminal will search for the program called spotify-client and then ask us for our password. Notice that when you type in your password, the characters (letters, numbers, and symbols) will be hidden for privacy reasons.

The terminal will then begin downloading and installing the Spotify Client and get it all set up on your machine.

Once your computer is done installing any new software, it's generally a good idea to make sure the program is up to date. You can do this with the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

There are a couple of new commands in this setup, so let's go over those.

sudo apt

We already went over these, but sudo apt basically means that we are giving Super User Privileges to the program apt.


Instead of asking apt to install, this time we're going to ask apt to update. Your computer keeps a running list of all of the software on your computer and what version number it is. It also has a list of the most current version of that same software. When you ask apt to update you're telling it to check the most current version of your programs and compare it to what is currently installed. Any software that has a newer version will be marked for upgrade, but nothing is installed yet.


The && is used to connect two separate commands together. Notice how we have sudo apt both at the beginning of our command and in the middle. This is because the command sudo apt update is perfectly fine command on its own, as is sudo apt upgrade. But by using the && command, we are telling our computer to run sudo apt update and then to immediately run sudo apt upgrade when it is done.


The update command will mark any outdated programs as ready for an upgrade, but it doesn't actually install anything. That's where this upgrade command comes in. When you run this command, anything that is ready to be upgraded to the latest version will be done so.

You may have noticed that we didn't specify updating or upgrading the Spotify Client, and that is because this command will update and upgrade all of the software on our computer. Effectively, this is the same thing as going to your Update Manager and clicking Install Updates.

Note that some updates will pause and wait for you to confirm that you do want to install these upgrades. In fact, your sudo apt install spotify-client command may have done this as well. If you ever want to tell the terminal to automatically say "yes" to these pauses, you can add -y to the end of the command. For example:

sudo apt install spotify-client -y

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

And that's how you can install software using the Terminal! You can find your newly installed software in your Menu just as if you had installed it using the Software Manager or with a download from the internet.

Note that this won't work for every piece of software. Sometimes you'll need to add something called a repository, but those instructions should be listed on the software developer's website or GitHub.

Some of Free Geek's Favorite Software

Here are bits of software that we, at Free Geek, highly recommend! Sadly, none of these companies pay us to say we like their software, but that means that you are getting our 100% honest opinions!


sudo apt install spotify-client

Listen to music with your Spotify Account. A monthly subscription gives you ad-free listening.


sudo apt install steam-installer

Buy and play games! Check out our Gaming on Linux Mint Page to learn more about Steam and other platforms.


sudo apt install gimp

A FOSS alternative to Adobe Photoshop.


sudo apt install krita

A FOSS application for digital drawing and/or painting. Works great with drawing tablets like Wacom and XP-Pen.


sudo apt install audacity

An audio mixing and recording software.


sudo apt install obs-studio

OBS Stands for Open Broadcaster Software and is used for screen recording and/or streaming.


sudo apt install stellarium

A sky map to teach you about the moon, stars, and night sky!


sudo apt install blender

A 3D modeling software for professionals and enthusiasts alike!