Gaming with Linux

Hey there!

On this page you can navigate and discover ways to game on Linux. Your new Free Geek computer has a Linux operating System; This looks and operates differently than a windows computer or apple computer. Included below are the vast ways in which you can game with Linux ranging from beginner, intermediate, to hard. Whether you have zero gaming experience or are looking to expand your current knowledge, this is the place for you.

Check it out!

Gaming with Linux will be broken into three easy categories on this page:

  1. Steam gaming

  2. Terminal gaming

  3. Windows gaming on Linux

1. Steam Gaming

In 15 minutes you can be on your way to gaming from one of the most popular platforms, Steam. It is easy to install, use, and navigate video games. Steam also has opportunities for game development, photo editing, animation, audio production, education, web publishing, and more! Steam has a ton of credibility with the Linux community as a safe and fun platform for your new computer. It’s a great starting place and you will recognize games you have played on a windows or apple computer.

You can install steam through the software manager (screen shot below).

Here is the Master list of Linux compatible games on Steam.

Some popular suggestions from Free Geek staff and volunteers are (click on them to go to the game on steam!): Stardew Valley, Rocket League, Slay the Spire, Terra Tech , Terraria, Civilization

In the right hand corner of software manager search for steam, click on it and press install.

  • Installing Steam can take up to ten minutes. When the bar of the installer is full, Steam is ready to open.

  • Click on the steam icon on your homepage.

  • Create user name and password and login.

  • From here, navigate to the store to explore games (some are free some are paid). Here is a list of the supported games you can play on Steam:

2. Terminal Gaming

Playing games in the terminal can take up to 20 minutes or more depending on how comfortable you are with your computer and command line. In the Introduction to your new computer course at Free Geek, the instructor might have mentioned the command line. Command line is an all-text display mode and it allows you to type in commands for your computer and speak directly to it. Terminal gaming therefore means you open command line and type in a command in the terminal to activate a game. Here is a website on how to do this with some games!

One example you could try right now:

  • To open your terminal, press (Ctrl + Alt + T)

  • Type sudo apt-get install bsdgames and hit enter

  • Enter password and hit enter

  • Once installed, close command line

  • Open command line again (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type in worm

  • Play!

Here is another list of games you can play through command line

3. Windows Gaming on Linux

This would be the most time consuming way to game and could range from a couple hours to a few days. Playing windows games on Linux is tricky though not impossible. We recommend doing good research before jumping into it.

One common way of doing this is by installing Wine, which is a compatibility layer and allows you to play windows games on Linux.