Create Multiple User Accounts

If you are going to be sharing your computer with someone else you may want to add a new user. To do this first navigate to your menu then go to administration and scroll down until you find users and groups. Click on that option and you will need to type in your password and click authenticate in order to continue.

Once you are in users and groups click the add button. Here you can create a username for the account and select the account type.

There are two types of accounts: standard and administrator. The first account you create when setting up your computer will always be an administrator. A standard account functions the same way as an administrator except that it cannot add or remove any programs unless it has the administrator's username and password. This means it can't cause any fundamental changes to the computer without the administrator's approval.

To create a new account we first need to type in the name of the user as well as a username. Note that the username might only use lowercase letters numbers and certain symbols. Then just click Add to add the account.

Once the new user has been created you can click on them to change any settings. For example, you can click on the password setting to add a password to the new user.

While creating a password the bar in between the two boxes will show you how strong your password is. Adding numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, and symbols will all improve the strength of your password.

We have a whole video on how to make strong passwords if you want to learn more!

Once you’ve typed your password into the first box, then you will need to type the password in again to make sure that they are exactly the same. Then click change in order to set the password.

Now, whenever you turn on your computer you will have two options: the original user and the new user. Select which user you want to log in as, type in the password, and press the Enter key to start using your computer.