Doing Homework with Linux Mint

A guide for new users

Your school may be using Microsoft Office for all things homework related. Do not worry though! Linux operating system (which is what your Free Geek computer uses) has a polished LibreOffice suite that has all the functions of Microsoft Office.

On this page, you will find:

  • Information about Writer (LibreOffice) and Word (Microsoft Office)

  • How to save Libreoffice documents as Microsoft office documents

  • Healthy tips for getting your homework done

  • Other frequently asked questions and helpful resources

Installing Google Chrome

While we recommend using an open source web browser (Mozilla Firefox comes pre-installed with Linux Mint!) some students find that it is easier to get access to their schoolwork if they are using Google's Chrome browser. Follow the link below to download Google Chrome and check out our quick tutorial on how to install it!

Word Processors: LibreOffice, MS Office, & Google Docs

A free, open-source office tool used for all document writing needs like essays. LibreOffice Writer is compatible on all operating systems and is able to save documents in the same format used by all other big document writing tools.

LibreOffice Writer is pre-installed on all Linux Mint computers and requires no connection to the internet

Gives limited access to document writing tools for free (more features are unlocked with paid subscription) and saves in a format readable by all other document writing tools. The offline version of Microsoft Office is only available on Windows and Mac operating systems and requires a subscription.

Microsoft Office Word is available for free online for everyone with a free Microsoft account and has enhanced features for a monthly or annual subscription

A free, web-based document writing tool used by many due to its uncomplicated nature and cloud saving. Students, particularly, gravitate to using Google Docs as most school districts use the suite of Google products. You must be connected to the internet to use this tool.

Google Docs is available for free online for everyone with a free Gmail account

Intro to LibreOffice Writer

This video gives a brief overview of LibreOffice Writer, one of the many open-source alternatives to Microsoft Office Word. This is a great tool that comes pre-installed with Linux Mint and does not require any subscriptions, accounts, or internet access. Wherever your Linux Mint computer is, LibreOffice is right there with you!

To learn more about LibreOffice check out our page dedicated to

Using LibreOffice

How to Use Google Docs

Getting Started

Making Your Google Doc Look Great!

Adding Pictures to your Google Doc


An article called Battle of The Office Suites offers some comparisons between Microsoft office and LibreOffice with visual side-by-side diagrams.

An article with tips on how to do your homework in the easiest way possible.

Remember to take breaks, stretch, walk around, and then come back to your homework. Here is a list of positive study break activities such as stretching or cooking a quick meal!