Future JUMPSTART 2021 dates to come
Now the largest FRC training event outside of Champs, JUMPSTART is back at SCSU for its fifth year. New changes are coming that will capitalize on the amount of attendees as well as the success we saw with our industry partners.
If you are interested in organizing a presentation, contact Alex Jurek at: ajurek@isd726.org
JUMPSTART is a day chock full of training sessions for FIRST robotics students, mentors, and parents. The event is hosted by Saint Cloud State University and organized by Central Minnesota Robotics Hub. We are inviting Bison Robotics, and many FRC teams from around Minnesota including the Central Minnesota Robotics Hub. The idea behind this event is to jump start teams in a variety of areas such as fabrication of the robot, pit organization and pit safety, parent education on FRC, creating a Robotics Booster Club, robotics in the schools, finding sponsors, and many other topics. The event is organized to equip FRC teams of all levels to help bring their students, parents, and mentors up to a point where they are ready to tackle the challenges of the FIRST Robotics Competition.
JUMPSTART is organized to allow attendees to learn about the many different facets of FRC. The day will kick-off with a Large Group Meeting where we will bring in all of the students, mentors, and parents and introduce what they can expect from JUMPSTART. We will be offering 5 sessions of training; Three before lunch, and two after the lunch break. Lunch will be at the famous Garvey Commons and is provided by SCSU. Students and mentors are free.
The Friday evening sessions are hands-on and low-key training. These sessions are designed to be interactive with the attendees and presenters.
Thank you to SCSU for this!
2019 Schedule (Archived)
2018 Schedule (Archived)
2017 schedule (Archived)
2016 schedule (Archived)
2015 schedule (Archived)