Assignment 5: Communication

Think about how you communicate with your friends. Then think about how you communicate with family members. Finally, ask yourself how are you likely to communicate with an employer at a job interview.

In a blog post, write 2-3 paragraphs that answer the following questions based on the thoughts above:

  • Why is each situation different, specifically the forms of communication?
  • What are the expectations of each person?
  • Discuss several points you will consider when talking to your mentor (supervisor) once you begin your mentorship?

Communication varies greatly depending on the intended audience. For example, when addressing peers or friends it might be acceptable to use colloquial phrases such as "what's up" and "yeah". Even when addressing parents a few of these phrases are commonly acceptable, but the line begins to move towards more professional terms. When communicating with an employer speech should be purely professional and all colloquial phrases should be avoided. While your friends expect an entertaining and relaxed conversation with you, an employer expects a respectfully conducted conversation. Because the expectations and situations vary, the speech patterns used to communicate thoughts and ideas must vary as well.

After beginning my mentorship I will have several opportunities to ask various questions. I plan to ask questions including: What scope of disabilities do you serve at your clinic? How often do you experience seizures within the clinic and how are you prepared to deal with them? What do you look for in deciding which therapists to hire? What experiences in your life helped you decide you wanted to become a therapist? Each of these questions will help give me insight into what is required to become the best possible therapist I can become. When I communicate these questions clearly it will show I am a dedicated intern that is always seeking information on how to improve.