FMSD Internet

Internet accessibility is provided to PKMS students to support the instructional program. Written parental permission is required and will remain on file in order for the student to be granted access to the Internet at school. Students are expected to exercise responsibility for the appropriate use of the Internet. Failure to comply with this request will result in denial of access to the Internet and/or disciplinary action.

Fort Mill School District (FMSD) provides students with a variety of technology in an effort to support and enhance the academic, social, and emotional achievement of students in the district. In alignment with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP*) established by our district, we have created a set of rules and regulations hereby known as the FMSD Responsible Use Plan (RUP). This plan is intended to ensure the safety and privacy of our students, to protect data and our resources, and to safeguard the overall integrity of both the FMSD and its students. We request that parents/guardians and students familiarize themselves with the RUP as outlined below.

The following rules and procedures apply to all students enrolled in district schools on and off campus. Access to district internet is for educational purpose only.

Students must:

1. Respect their own privacy and the privacy of others

a. Use only assigned accounts, keep personal information such as name, address, phone number, etc. offline, keep passwords secret

b. Have permission to photograph/videotape others and to subsequently save and/or post these images/videos to the internet

c. FMSD cannot assume responsibility for lost or stolen information sent or received via the district’s communication resources.

d. Documents may not include: student phone number, address, full name of self or others (first name only) 2. Respect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources

a. Observe all network security practices while also protecting and sharing these resources with other users b. FMSD is not responsible for damages to personal digital technologies or electronic communication devices c. Treat digital technologies with care and report any damages, security risks, or violations to a teacher or administrator

3. Respect the copyrighted/intellectual property of others to assure academic integrity

a. Cite all sources appropriately and follow all copyright laws and utilize electronic communication devices properly 4. Respect and practice the principles of community

a. Communicate only in ways that are kind, responsible, respectful and lawful

b. Use electronic communication devices (including FMSD email) for schoolwork only

c. Report threatening or offensive materials to a teacher or administrator

5. Prohibited email usage including all of the following

a. Create or transmit any emails containing content reasonably perceived as threatening, obscene, sexual, racist, or discriminating

b. Setting up or operating a commercial business

c. Email signatures should not include religious statements, political statements, or group affiliations

**Students who witness, experience or otherwise learn about a suspected violation should report the matter to a teacher or administrator. FMSD reserves the right to monitor and/or review all uses of the district network, internet usage, and activity.

Pleasant Knoll Middle School

Personal Chromebook and Mobile Computing Discipline Plan

Level 1 Violations

Include but are not limited to: repeated uncharged device, unprepared for class, careless or irresponsible use, off task behavior.

1st offense – signed Knighthawk Tracker (in agenda)

2nd Offense - signed Knighthawk Tracker (in agenda)

3rd Offense - signed Knighthawk Tracker (in agenda)

Examples of teacher-based discipline include:

Verbal redirection

Student/Teacher conference

Restricted use in the classroom

Alternate assignments

Teacher assigned detention

Parent/teacher communication/conference

Level 2 Violations

Include but are not limited to: acceptable use policy violations, photographing/filming others without permission or against their will, bullying with the device, harmful or malicious activities, accessing and/or sharing inappropriate websites, materials, videos, or photos.

Any offense classified as level 2, a major classroom disruption, or criminal conduct will be referred immediately to an administrator and/or the School Resource Officer. The administrator will notify parents and determine discipline. Only an administrator can assign ISS or OSS.

Examples of administrator discipline include:

Student/Administrator Conference

Restricted use of device/restricted user

In-school Suspension (1-5 days)

Out of school suspension (1-5 days)

Level 3 Violations

Include criminal offenses that require the involvement of law enforcement and may require arrest and/or a recommendation for expulsion.

Possess and use of a personal and/or school issued electronic devices on school property acknowledges consent to search the contents of the device in a school or criminal investigation. In such investigations, students will provide necessary login information as needed. Misuse of technology outside of school that impacts the people or environment on campus may also necessitate similar disciplinary consequences and searches.

The administration reserves the right to handle any of the above action or any other action determined to

be a misuse of technology in the manner they feel is the most appropriate for all concerned. For additional information on acceptable use of technology, please refer to the FMSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy.