Cell Phones
Electronic devices including cell phones may be brought to school and used before or after school to communicate with parents. They must be turned off and placed in the student’s locker from 7:45 AM until 3:10 PM. A cell phone may not be used during the day unless an employee of PKMS gives permission, even to call or text parents. Earphone usage follows the same guidelines.
1st Violation: warning and confiscation of phone until the end of the day
2nd and 3rd Violation: lunch detention and confiscation of phone until the end of the day
4th and 5th Violation: One day of ISS and confiscation of phone until the end of the day
6th Violation and beyond: One day of ISS for each offense and a plan for future cell phone use at school involving a conference with the parent.
**Violation and refusal to give school employees the electronic device will result in additional punishment and will result in no less than one day of in-school suspension.
Disclaimer: Students will be given more serious consequences for the following inappropriate uses: inappropriate taking of pictures or videos, texting or messages, any use to threaten anyone or anything at PKMS, or any major violation of our district’s acceptable use policy. Any acts which are not covered by these regulations and which are of such a nature as to pose a threat to the physical or mental welfare of students, teachers or other school personnel or which create a disruption in the orderly operation of any phase of the school program may result in suspension or expulsion. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Calling/Texting parents or others from the school without permission is a violation.