PKMS Classroom Level Consequences

STOP ROOM: While in class, students are expected to actively participate in the instruction and activities of the day without creating a disruptive learning environment for themselves or other students. Students that are disruptive during class may be sent to the STOP (Student Time Out Period) room for the remainder of the class period. A student that is sent to the STOP room three or more times will be assigned a full day  of in-school suspension.  

GRADE LEVEL LUNCH DETENTION: Teachers can assign students lunch detention within their  grade level team. If a student receives three or more lunch detentions, they will be assigned a full day of in school suspension. 

KNIGHTHAWK TRACKER: Teachers help our students monitor their behavior and academics by using our Knighthawk Tracker. At the end of each quarter, students can qualify to attend our Quarter Incentive by meeting behavior points requirements and academic requirements.

Knighthawk Tracker.docx