Classroom Activities


Homemade or home baked foods are not allowed to be distributed to students within the classroom or applicable classroom setting. Acceptable foods for distribution are those items that were prepared in a commercial and/or licensed kitchen, and most importantly, are packaged with a label clearly listing the contents and ingredients of the food item. With the continued rise in severe and often life-threatening food allergies, this policy is designed to provide consistency and minimize allergy risks in all classrooms district wide, while maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for all students. This policy does not apply to a student’s personal lunch.

The policy is part of a larger, comprehensive Food Allergy Guideline approved by the Board of Trustees in May 2014, which can be found on the district’s website at under BOARD POLICIES. Further questions can also be directed to the principal, school nurse, or by contacting the district office at (803) 548-2527.

Students may bring in a water bottle from home. The only allowable liquid is water, students may not bring energy drinks, coffee, soda, or any other non-water drinks.