
Journalism 1 (Introduction to Journalism) - CP             305000CW

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

This course offers students an intensive exploration of the field of newspaper journalism. This study is designed to prepare students for work on the school’s newspaper or yearbook. This class involves the study and application of topics such as the history of journalism, journalism law and ethics, newspaper style, and various forms of journalistic writing including the following:  news, features, sports, opinion, briefs and reviews. Students also learn the fundamentals of layout and design, photojournalism, advertising and newspaper staff roles. Students may be required to sell ads and obtain patrons as well.

Journalism 2 Newspaper - CP     305101CW

Grades: 10, 11, 12 

Prerequisites: Recommendation of instructor and/or successful completion of Journalism 1 

This CP-level course is designed for students who produce the school’s newspaper. Students in this class will write journalistic articles in several of the following areas for publication: news, news-features, features, sports, editorials, column reviews and critiques. Students will also be responsible for taking photographs, designing pages, and selling advertisements, as well as using desktop publishing to produce the school’s newspaper. Completion of assigned staff roles/duties and some participation after school are computed as part of the student’s grade. 

Journalism 2 Yearbook - CP          305102CW

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Journalism 1, Application/Interview Process, Recommendation of English teacher

This course offers one unit of credit to students who have completed Journalism 1 and have been approved by the sponsor. This course offers students an intensive exploration of the field of photojournalism. This study is designed to prepare students for work on the school’s annual yearbook. This class involves the study and application of photojournalism through various forms of journalistic writing, photography, interviewing, and design including the following: features, sports, student life, academics, clubs and extracurriculars. Students may be required to sell ads and obtain patrons or sponsors as well.

Newspaper Production        376800CW

Grades: 11, 12

Prerequisites: Journalism 1, 2

This CP-level course is for those students who as newspaper staff members have demonstrated talent and responsibility in leadership, writing, editing, and layout during Journalism 2. Newspaper Production 3 students will serve as mentors for less-experienced staff members and will be responsible for the entire content and layout of all newspaper editions. These students must be proficient in the use of computer technology as well as in desktop publishing. Completion of assigned staff roles/duties and some participation after school are computed as part of the students’ grades. Staff members may be required to sell ads and obtain patrons or sponsors.

Yearbook Production        376900CW

Grades: 11, 12

Prerequisites: Journalism 1, 2

Students will learn advanced yearbook layout and design, advertising and staff roles. These students will work with detailed layout and the use of computer technology while overseeing other staff members in producing the yearbook. Students may be required to sell ads and obtain patrons as well. These students have increased responsibility in managing spreads, design and layout, photo editing, story and caption editing, and overall production. These students are entrusted with access to all pages, sales, and ads.

Journalism Editor 4, 5, 6, 7 - Yearbook or Newspaper                  309931CW-309936CW

Grades: 11, 12

Prerequisites: Introduction to Journalism, Journalism 2 Newspaper or Yearbook, and Newspaper or Yearbook Production

These CP-level courses are limited to those students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of journalism and have demonstrated leadership, talent, and responsibility in previous courses.  Journalism Editor 5,6, and 7 students will continue in their role as mentors for all staff members and be responsible for overseeing the entire operation of producing the school's newspaper or yearbook.  These students must be able to lead staff meetings and help less-experienced staff members write and edit articles and design pages.  Completion of assigned staff roles/duties and some participation after school are computed as part of the students’ grades.

Creative Writing 1 - CP     303200CW   

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: C average or above in English 1 or teacher recommendation 

This CP-level course is aimed at developing the evaluative and creative writing talents of students who are interested in learning to write and evaluate poetry, essays, human interest stories, and short stories.  Computer word processing skills are reinforced in the computer lab.  Students will be involved in helping to produce the school's literary magazine.

Creative Writing 2 - CP   309901CW

Grades: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Creative Writing 1 and teacher recommendation

This college-preparatory level course furthers the creative writing, publishing and editing skills of selected students who will help produce the school’s literary magazine.