My Next Step

Children dresssed as professions

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

- Abraham Lincoln

Thinking about your future career was probably a lot easier when you were in elementary school. 

Doctor, Firefighter, Ballerina, Astronaut...while there were lots of options, they were no where near as many as they are now - as you start thinking about life after high school.  

There are lots of paths following high school - four year college, technical college, trade school,
military service, entering the workforce or a gap year.

Knowing which path to take starts with knowing where you want to end. 

Get to know Yourself

Explore Your Interests & Skills

Learn more about careers, take an interest/skills inventory assessment or learn more about the 16 career clusters that align with our CTE elective courses.

Try Something New

Try Something New

Gaining more experience will help you narrow down what you enjoy and help you make connections with others who have similar skills and interests.

Consider a part-time job, joining a club or athletic team or volunteering.

Next Step on arrows

Explore Your Options

What is your plan for when you graduate? 

More education?
Military service?
Enter the workforce?