Quick Links to AT Resources


Assistive Technology Listserv
MN.AT Listserv is a discussion network open to anyone with access to e-mail and an interest in assistive technology. The Minnesota Low Incidence Projects receives funding from the Minnesota Department of Education to maintain a number of mailing lists (formerly known as listservs). Mailing lists are forums dedicated to collaboration and best practices for students receiving special education services in Minnesota. Participant guidelines are provided for the benefit of all mailing list members. 

The QIAT Community is a nationwide grassroots group that includes hundreds of individuals who provide input into the ongoing process of identifying, disseminating, and implementing a set of widely-applicable Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in school settings that can be used as a tool to support many

AT Resource Sites


Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials (AT&AEM) Center, we are committed to ensuring access for all people with disabilities. The center promotes accessibility and personalization, creates and disseminates accessible materials and offers specialized training and technical assistance

WATI  Wisconsin Assistive Technology 

The mission of the new Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Development Team is to assist early intervention agencies, school districts, and their partners to provide assistive technology by making training and technical assistance available through our development of new and updated materials related to the provision of assistive technology tools, and services. 

Cast is a multifaceted organization with a singular ambition: Bust the barriers to learning that millions of people experience every day. We do this by helping educators and organizations apply insights from the learning sciences and leading-edge practices to educational design and implementation.

The Unified Listing is build by an international consortium in collaboration with the non-profit Raising the Floor – International.  The best place for access to communication, computers and digital devices. We bring together information from 12 different databases in Europe, the US and Australia.