Sensory Regulation

Sensory Regulation allows an individual to maintain an appropriate level of alertness for given situations and activities. There are many low tech assistive technology tools and strategies that are helpful when a child struggles in this area. When a child is regulated, they are better able to develop their situational awareness.

Tactile and Proprioceptive Tools

  • hand-held fidgets
  • weighted items (vests, lap pad, blanket)
  • pressure vests
  • foot fidgets

Auditory Tools

  • noise canceling headphones or white noise machines
  • music

Visual Tools

  • Hoberman sphere as prop to encourage belly breathing
  • Calming glitter or mindfulness jars

Oral Tools

  • chewies (chewelry, tubing, etc)
  • blow bubbles, pinwheels, etc to encourage core-activated breathing

Movement Tools

  • mini-trampoline