Federal Amendment; Form 1040X

Disclaimer:  ProTaxPro.com reserves the right to modify this information at anytime. This is not tax advice. The intended purpose is to help our users navigate the program. 

Although we do our best to maintain this information and  keep it current,  tax laws are constantly changing,  supported forms/documentation can change at anytime. We can not guarantee the that the information is current. You will always find the most up-to-date information on the IRS website or applicable State website. 

This page includes information on how to prepare a Federal Amendment Form 1040-X and preparing State Amendments in the program.  

Refer to the IRS Form 1040-X Instructions, or the applicable State Amendment Instructions.

This page contains directions on the new Amendment Progress starting 2020 Tax Year and the 2019 and Earlier Tax Years. Please make sure you are looking at the correct instructions for the correct year. 

Amendment Process (Tax Year 2020 and after)

NEW amendment system starting tax year 2020. The 1040X is no longer in its own section. You can find the Form 1040X is listed under BASIC INFO. 

Amendments can now be e-filed starting Tax year 2020.

Please note there are some reasons the IRS will not allow e-filed amendments, some amendments will need to be paper filed.

Amending Original Return

On the Navigation Page select "Edit a Return in Progress"

Select the option to amend the filing(s)

"Click here to amend a return."

Under the Forms In Return section you will see the Form 1040-X has been added

You will have to access this page to add the Explanation of Changes

You will make any changes to the return that are needed to complete the 1040-X Federal Amendment

To electronically file the amendment, you will finish all required signature pages and select the option "Click here to eFile the Federal Amendment

Amending Where Original Return Was Filed Elsewhere

On the Navigation Page select "Begin a New Return"

You will continue through the return process creating the "Correct Return"

Once you have constructed the "Correct Return" -

In the first column you will enter the amounts from the original 1040 As Filed

You will have to enter the Explanation of Changes at the bottom of the Form 1040-X page

View the Form 1040-X to ensure accuracy of the amendment

To electronically file the amendment, you will finish all required signature pages and select the option "Click here to eFile the Federal Amendment

Amendments 2019 and Earlier


The Amendment Link will only be available once all tax returns filed and accepted. 

If a State Return has not been filed with the Federal Return, the state return must be either filed and accepted, or removed from the account, to access the Federal Amendment.  

Amendment Page:

The first page explains the entire Amendment process, there is a total of 4 steps.

Once you understand the Amendment Process, Check the box and select "Continue". 

Step 1: Make Changes 

Note: You will not be able to begin or edit other returns until the amendment is complete. 

Step 2: Continued

Picture shown is a test return. The Federal Return must reflect the "Accepted" Status for the amendment to be available. 

The Amendment begins with duplicating a unlocked copy of the return. 

Select "Done" to exit. This does not complete the Amendment, changes can still be made at a later time. 

Information on the Original Return:

Step 2: Federal Details Page

Extension Payment:

Enter amount of payment sent with a filed extension.

Tax Paid:

Enter the amount paid with the original return, along with any payments made after filing.   

Explanation of Changes to Income, Deductions, and Credits:


When the original return included an overpayment (expected refund), that amount will be carried over automatically. 

Warning: If the original return was adjusted by the IRS, and the overpayment amount was changed, you must enter this amount in manually.

Enter the reason for the amendment, include details on what was changed and amounts (if applicable). 

Step 3: Final Check

Enter the Amendment and verify all changes are made and correct.

Step 4: Print Amendment Forms

This is the last step. The return is locked, edits can not be made, and the Amendment is complete. 

When you are finished Select "Print Amendment Forms" and click "Continue".

Unlocking Amendments: