

Scholarship Opportunities

Click to open the following spreadsheet so you can view all of the scholarships listed. This is NOT a comprehensive list but a good start. There are thousands of scholarships available. Do your research online! 

I highly recommend ALL students apply to That is our Washington State Scholarship Board where they match you to potential scholarships you should apply to.

Scholarships - CCR

Scholarship Tips

1. Start planning early!

2. Write a great essay. Spend time thinking about the question. Understand what they are asking and what they are looking for. Do your research. Who is the scholarship from? When writing, make sure you pay attention to your grammar and spelling. Get someone else to proofread and edit after your 2nd draft.

3. Brag about yourself. One of the biggest mistakes people make on resumes and applications is that they don't think things are important or they forget about their achievements. Brag, brag, brag! Make sure you include all of your activities, leadership roles, and awards.

4. Perseverance is key! If you don't get a scholarship, don't give up. Keep applying! You definitely can't get scholarships you don't apply for.

5. Don't forget private scholarships. What organizations are you involved with? Check and see if they offer scholarships! This could include employers, unions, professional organizations, etc.

6. Never pay for a scholarship search! That is the first sign of a scam.

7. Write a great financial need statement! Check out the following resource -