10th Grade planning

Get Future Ready now

  • Challenge yourself with rigorous classes. Consider taking AP if possible.

  • Maintain a high GPA. Colleges look at your GPA and course load as indicators of potential success in college classes.

  • Get involved and give back! Colleges and employers look at what you have done outside of your regular coursework. Are you involved in clubs/activities, community service, volunteer work, etc. All indicate what type of a person you are and whether you can balance responsibilities.

  • Update your resume! Add your involvement as well as any awards and honors you've received.

  • Be a leader! Work towards leadership positions in activities you're involved with. Employers and colleges want to know if you can lead and work with other people.

  • Explore your skills and interests and match them with careers in Xello.

  • What are you doing next summer? Employment? Summer Enrichment Program? Explore your options to give you experience, to start networking, and to explore areas of interest.

  • Read and write! Reading expands your vocabulary and exposes you to new types of writing and interests. Continue to improve your writing to help write your college essay and to prep you for college level courses.

  • Do you know what you are interested in after high school? Regardless, start to explore types of colleges. If you were to go, would you prefer a two-year, four-year, trade or technical, small or large, rural or urban, private or public school?

  • Research and visit colleges of interest. Start collecting information for each, such as admission requirements, tuition, room and board, programs offered, student to faculty ratio, accreditation, campus life, etc.

  • Interested in going to a military academy? If so, start planning!

  • Does your college of interest require an SAT Subject Test? (Check here) If so, consider taking SAT Subject Tests in the year you took the course so the material is still fresh. For more information, go to www.collegeboard.com.

  • Start taking practice ACT exams at www.ACT.org. The highest score you can earn on the ACT is 36.

  • Utilize Trojan Time, after-school tutoring, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:00pm.

  • Plan to attend a Career and College Fair to explore your options. You can go to virtualcollegefairs.org for more information.

  • Take the PSAT/NMSQT, the preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test and the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, in November through FHS. Your score counts as a junior so it's great practice to take the test in your sophomore year. See www.collegeboard.com for student resources.



  • Pre-register for junior year classes. Remember to choose challenging courses!

  • Research summer employment opportunities.


  • Get a summer job or volunteer.

Sophomore Year Checklist.pdf