2-year CollegEs

Community and Technical Schools

Two-Year/Technical College Admission Requirements

There are no specific course requirements for admissions to any community college within the State of Washington. English and math courses require placement into appropriate courses based off of the college’s enrollment procedures. Applications are online and are located on the school's website. Go to their website and look for "Apply" to take you to the admissions application.

The above highlighted 2-year schools are those close to FHS and where most of our students attend.

Get Ready for College

  • Apply to the Community/Technical College

Go to the college's website. On the website, there will be a button that you can click that says Apply. You should apply to the community or technical college as soon as possible in order to ensure getting into the program you want.

  • Take Placement Exam

To attend a community college you do not need to take the ACT or the SAT. The community college has their own test they will have you take or they will use your SBA scores or your high school transcript. These scores will determine which level of classes you will take. It is important to challenge yourself in your FHS classes so that you start college by taking at least 101 level courses. Anything below that level will not count toward graduation but work toward college level courses.

Community colleges offer financial aid and scholarships as well. Students will need to complete a FAFSA form on or after October 1 of their senior year in order to qualify for any financial aid. FAFSA forms can be completed at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Students and parents will need an electronic PIN number to sign their electronic FAFSA. Go to www.pin.ed.gov now to register for a PIN so you can complete your FAFSA in October. Financial Aid is awarded on a first come, first serve basis so don't delay applying!

This is an ongoing process throughout your junior and senior years. Best places to look include the scholarship office of the school (2 year or 4 year) that you want to attend, www.thewashboard.org, the FHS College and Career website scholarship listings, www.fastweb.com and www.finaid.org.