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39 days of hunger strike, 11'700 signatories to the petition, thousands of good souls mobilized, hundreds of solidarity fasts, the support of IPCC and IPBES scientists, the pugnacity of some Members of Parliament...

And we won!

The Federal Assembly is expected to receive a training session on climate change, given directly by IPCC scientists, on 2 May 2022 in the Federal Palace. Other presentations and dialogues are already planned as the next IPCC and IPBES reports are released.

Our politicians will no longer be able to say "they know" when they have no idea of the hell that awaits our children if we do nothing. They will know, and we will know that they know.

You'll find here my press release.

A good battle won... But the "war" is far from over!

To save our children's future, we still need to obtain a ban on the financing of fossil fuels, a proactive climate diplomacy, a socially just transition, and finally, carbon neutrality by 2030.

Come celebrate with me, and plan what's next!

I would like to be able to share my experience and my plans for the future with as many beautiful souls as possible!

Can you help me by organising a conference in your village, your neighbourhood, for your parish, your friends, your colleagues...?

Write to me at