
Twitter: @Guiller06147780 - Facebook: @Guillermo.Fernandez.Suisse - www.linkedin.com/in/gfernand/

The IPCC AR6 WG1 report in 2 graphs

The greenhouse gas emissions trajectories studied

The consequences over time for each scenario

  • M. is 13 on the 09/08/2021 IPCC announces that SSP1-1.9 is still possible

  • M. is 23 on the 09/08/2031 IPCC announces that SSP2-4.5 is the last best option left and temperature will rise for at least another century

  • M. is 43 on the 09/08/2041 IPCC announces that SSP2-4.5 is lost, but we can still remain under SSP3-7.0

  • M. is 53 on the 09/08/2051 2°C IPCC announces we're going to hit 3,5°C and temperature will rise for at least a century => it is the end of organised society, maybe extinction

M. has been through a pandemic and 2019-2021 at 1°C fully aware.
In 2031 She will know :
Tomorrow will be worse than today, always worse, for ever and ever.
At what birthday will M. lose hope?
Will she know soon enough that she shouldn't have children?

SSP1-1.9 is the only acceptable choice. Whatever it takes!

Why I do not believe the governments who sign agreements at the COP in 1 graph

Agreements are signed, and yet.

CO2 concentrations rise inexorably, faster and faster, indifferent to COP successes.

Taking into account lies already told:

  • SSP2-4.5 is possible

  • SSP3-7.0 is probable

Our leaders bring our children, knowingly and voluntarily in hell