
Who are you ?

  • I am Guillermo Fernandez, naturalised Swiss, born in Lausanne

  • I have 3 children and I have been loving my wife for the past 20 years.

  • I work as Project Manager and Consultant in IT for canton Fribourg

  • I am an ordinary citizen, quite conformist. Neither in a party, nor activist, nor involved in politics

  • The salient adventures of my life are:

    • My pilgrimage to Compostela, leaving from Monthey, in 1994

    • The construction of a school in an orphanage in Madagascar in 1996

    • We lived 3 years in Ivory Coast for work

    • My marriage and the birth of each of my children

Why are you doing this?

  • Since I read the AR6 WG1 report of the IPCC, published on my youngest daughter's birthday, I have been Terrorized.
    If a miracle does not take place, my daughter is doomed to an abject future: Tomorrow will be worse, always worse, forever and ever

  • When I was young, I wondered with Jean-Jacques Goldman (French singer):
    And if I had been born in 17 in Leidenstadt
    On the ruins of a battlefield
    Would I have been better or worse than these people
    If I had been German ?

    Unlike a German born in 17, I know the magnitude of the evil that is coming. It will be a multiple of what the Germans did.
    I know that if I don't do anything meaningful and courageous, I will be complicit in the suffering, genocide, and the murder of the souls of my children.
    So I'm doing something meaningful. This is my way of answering Jean-Jacques Goldman's question.

Why November 1st?

  • Because it is the 1st day of the COP26 which is held in Glasgow.

  • Because October 31 is my wife's birthday and I wanted to share it with her in joy

What is COP26 ?

  • This is the equivalent of a Diet of Stans diet worldwide.
    It is being held in Glasgow, UK this year.
    Representatives of all nations come together to disagree and make empty promises to save the future of our children.
    We need to summon Nicolas of Flüe to shake them up

Why reduce GHGs to 0 in 2025 when SSP1-1.9 does not offer 0 until around 2050?

  • First, because it's fair.
    Each of us and each of our ancestors, over several generations, spat more CO2 into the atmosphere than most of humanity.
    It is right that we create a little leeway to allow the most disadvantaged to come out of abject poverty.

  • Then, we are a rich country and can afford it

  • Let us be pragmatic and realistic.
    It is likely that some countries will behave like traitors and take a free ride.
    It will be necessary that the countries which understood their duty, do more.
    They'll buy time to be able to constrain by persuasion, blackmail, threat or war the countries leading humanity to its destruction.

  • Then again, the severity of the impacts of the change is fraught with uncertainties, and the IPCC could not rule out events or tipping points with cataclysmic consequences. Better to be too careful than extinct.

  • Finally, no COP agreement passed produced concrete results. We must pave the way, like Winkelried would have done

You are not vegan, you have a car. Obviously, you are making no effort to save the planet. Who are you to teach us lessons?

  • I do not give lessons, I only express my Terror in the face of the reality of the facts.
    I announce that I will do my duty as a father for the future of my children and yours.

The individualisation of effort and ecological guilt is a proven manipulation tactic, aimed at neutralising any possibility of collective action, which is the only effective one.
In this respect, it is the same as the personal targets you've seen popping up in your job since the 80's. It broke trade unions, it is very effective.
The individual energy invested in becoming an ecological saint certainly gives a good conscience, but does not impact GHG concentrations.
We need a coordinated societal transformation similar to what we would achieve if an army decided to invade us.
It is not by unplugging my television on standby that I will prevent the barbarism that comes.
On the other hand, I hope that by starving on the Federal Plaza, I will convince you to come and show the Federal Council that you are ready to wage war on climate change.