On December 9th, after 39 days on hunger strike, I and all the people who fought for the same demand, won! What you'll read below was what I wrote before starting my hunger strike.
I, Guillermo Fernandez, born on the 25th of November 1974 in Lausanne, Swiss citizen,
will go on a hunger strike in the Federal Square, until Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga summons the Federal Assembly for a compulsory training session on the climate and ecological emergencies.
This training will be based on the reports produced by her own federal offices, and by the international scientific bodies recognized by Switzerland: the IPCC, IPBES and WMO. The training session will be given by members of these scientific bodies.
This presentation of the facts to the Federal assembly will be recorded for the benefit of the public, so that citizens and their representatives have access to the same level of information.
I vow to only eat again once the Federal assembly has been summoned for this session. I ardently desire to live, but to protect the future of my children, I am ready to die.
In view of the objective urgency and necessity of the situation, I then expect Madam Sommaruga will ask the Federal Assembly to mandate the Federal Council to commit Switzerland, courageously and generously, to achieving the following objectives:
Declaring a climate and ecological emergency
Emission neutrality by 2030
Climate and social justice
Banning fossil fuel finance
Proactive climate diplomacy
I undertake this process on my own initiative, without coordination with any group, party or association.
It is my answer to the Terror caused by the understanding of what my children's lives will be, if we do not change our ways.
It is with hope and love that I place my life in your hands, in the hope that our generation will generously assume its responsibilities towards our descendants.
It is immoral and unacceptable that we condemn our children to this one certainty: Tomorrow will be worse than today, always worse, for ever and ever.
Dear fellow citizen, I have written you the following letter. I wrote it with my heart.

The IPCC AR6 WG1 report in 2 graphs
The greenhouse gas emissions trajectories studied
The consequences over time for each scenario
M. is 13 on the 09/08/2021 IPCC announces that SSP1-1.9 is still possible
M. is 23 on the 09/08/2031 IPCC announces that SSP2-4.5 is the last best option left and temperature will rise for at least another century
M. is 43 on the 09/08/2041 IPCC announces that SSP2-4.5 is lost, but we can still remain under SSP3-7.0
M. is 53 on the 09/08/2051 2°C IPCC announces we're going to hit 3,5°C and temperature will rise for at least a century => it is the end of organised society, maybe extinction
M. has been through a pandemic and 2019-2021 at 1°C fully aware.
In 2031 She will know : Tomorrow will be worse than today, always worse, for ever and ever.
At what birthday will M. lose hope?
Will she know soon enough that she shouldn't have children?
SSP1-1.9 is the only acceptable choice. Whatever it takes!
Why I do not believe the governments who sign agreements at the COP in 1 graph
Agreements are signed, and yet.
CO2 concentrations rise inexorably, faster and faster, indifferent to COP successes.
Taking into account lies already told:
SSP2-4.5 is possible
SSP3-7.0 is probable
Our leaders bring our children, knowingly and voluntarily in hell
What's the goal
The miracle will come true when all the associations of people of good will organise and coordinate to tell the Federal Council, en masse, that we want to save the future of Switzerland and of its children, our children.
The general strike and the biggest demonstration in Bern that Switzerland has ever known seem to be the necessary conditions to give our government the courage to do their duty. It's work and organisation: true Swiss values. So go for it!
You will have to go over your differences, which are only secondary. A trade unionist will have to agree with a free marketeer in making Switzerland the welcoming home of our descendants and the beacon that opens a way for the world.
Promised! When we have won and saved the future, if you still want to, you can argue as before.
There is a lot to read !
Yes, but please take the time.
I don't want to talk to you like a child, or lie to you.
I took the time to write to explain.
I'm going to starve to death if you don't come.
Give me that, please.