Books and special issue

2024 The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the East. Themed volume in the series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi (MUSAM), to be published by Brepols. Editors: Elsa De Luca, Ivan Moody, Jean-François Goudesenne. FORTHCOMING

2023 The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the West. Themed volume in the series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi (MUSAM), Brepols. Editors: Elsa De Luca, Ivan Moody, Jean-François Goudesenne. ISBN 978-2-503-60614-9; E-ISBN 978-2-503-60615-6; DOI 10.1484/M.MUSAM-EB.5.133679 

2022  Connecting the Dots: New Research Paradigms for Iberian Manuscripts as Material Objects. Special issue of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies. 14/1 Editors: Elsa De Luca, Erika Loic, Alicia Miguelez 

2020  Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference, Tufts University 26-29 May 2020. Editors: Elsa De Luca, Julia Flanders. Published in the CORE Repository on Humanities Commons. Permanent URL:

2011 I manoscritti musicali dell’Archivio di San Nicola a Bari: elementi francesi nella musica e nella liturgia. PhD dissertation, Università del Salento

Refereed journal papers and book chapters

2025  Local Liturgical Uses. In: D. DiCenso and A. Irving, eds. Brill Handbook of Medieval Latin Liturgy. Brill (accepted).

2024 (De Luca, E.; Behrendt, I.; Fujinaga, I.; Helsen, K.; Morent, S.) Visual or Symbolic? Best Practices for Encoding Neumes. Series Musicologica Balcanica  (FORTHCOMING)

2024 (Alexandru, M.; De Luca, E.; Fujinaga, I.) Brainstorming on the Encoding of Eastern Music Scripts, Middle-Byzantine Neumes as a Case-Study. Series Musicologica Balcanica  (FORTHCOMING)

2024 (Thomae; Rizo; Fuentes-Martínez; Alís Raurich; De Luca; Calvo-Zaragoza) A Preliminary Proposal for a Systematic GABC Encoding of Gregorian Chant. In DLfM '24: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology: 45 – 53.

2023 (De Luca, E.; Castro Correa, A.) Written Practices na Maia: A Newly Discovered Source of Old Hispanic Notation from Portugal. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 41(2), 59–83. 

2023 (De Luca, E.; Utidjian, H.) Challenging the MEI Neumes Module: Encoding Armenian Neumes. In Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference, Dalhousie University, 19-22 May 2022, ed. by Ailynn Ang, Jennifer Bain, David M. Weigl. (also available on YouTube)

2023 Foreword. The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the West. Themed volume in the series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi (MUSAM), published by Brepols. Forthcoming

2022 (De Luca, E.; Loic, E.; Miguelez, A.) Intermediality in Medieval Iberian Manuscript Culture: Methodological Reflections on Ongoing and Future Research. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 14/1.

2020  From Old Hispanic to Aquitanian Notation: Music Writing in Medieval Iberia. CSIC Anuario de Estudios Medievales 50/2, 827-864 Available here.

2020  (with O. Boudeau). Erreur, variante et correction : l’exemple du plain-chant médiéval. Textus & Musica 1. ISSN 2740-6563 Available here.

2020  A Methodology for Studying Old Hispanic Notation: Some Preliminary Thoughts. In: J. Borders, ed. IMS Study Group Cantus Planus Papers Read at the Seventeenth Meeting 28 July - 1 August 2014. Venice: Edizioni Fondazione Levi, 19-40.

2020   Aquitanian Notation in Iberia: Plainchant Fragments in Braga and Guimarães (11th – 15th century). Revue de Musicologie 106/2, 329-372.

2019  (De Luca, Bain, Behrendt, Fujinaga, Helsen, Ignesti, Lacoste, Long). Capturing Early Notations in MEI: The Case of Old Hispanic Neumes. MusikTheorie-Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 3: 229-49.

2017   A Notated Graduale-Prosarium from Sens in Lisbon. Portuguese Journal of Musicology. New Series 4/2: 227-46 ISSN 2183-8410 PDF 

2017   Musical Cryptography and the Early History of the ‘León Antiphoner’. Early Music History 36: 105–58. ISSN (print) 0261-1279. DOI:10.1017/S0261127917000018. 

2017   Royal Misattribution: Monograms in the León Antiphoner. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 9/1: 25–51. ISSN: 1754-6559 (Print) 1754-6567 (Online) DOI: 10.1080/17546559.2015.110152. PDF

2017   Medieval Music Notes as Cryptography (co-authored with J. Haines). In: K. Ellison and S. Kim, eds. A Material History of Medieval and Early Modern Ciphers: Cryptography and the History of Literacy. (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture) Routledge, New York and London, 2018: 30–47. ISBN: 978-1-138-24464-1.

2015  Il rito parigino Duecentesco nei manoscritti di San Nicola di Bari. In: A. Bonsante – R. Pasquandrea, eds. Celesti sirene 2. : musica e monachesimo dal Medioevo all'Ottocento : atti del secondo Seminario internazionale, San Severo, 11-13 ottobre 2013. Barletta: Cafagna: 139–58. ISBN  978-88-96906-14-9.

2012  L'aggiunta manoscritta all'‘Editio Medicaea’ di Trento: un ‘Ordinarium’, un Credo e un ‘Lauda Sion’. In: M. Gozzi, ed. Cantus fractus italiano: un’antologia. Hildesheim – Zurich – New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2012: 399–430. ISBN: 9783487147215.

2009 (with V. Marangi) Rhythmic and Proportional Hidden or Actual Elements in Plainchant: Computerized Census and Integral Restoration of a Neglected Musical Repertoire [RAPHAEL project]. In: R. Dalmonte – F. Spampinato, eds. Il ‘nuovo’ in musica e in musicologia: estetiche tecnologie linguaggi. Atti del convegno trento, 18–20 gennaio 2008. Lucca: LIM: 24752. ISBN 9788870965513.

2008   Il canto dell’Exultet nella liturgia beneventana. Rivista Internazionale di Musica Sacra 29/1: 63–104. ISBN: 9788870965339.

Book Reviews

2021 Maloy, R. Songs of Sacrifice: Chant, Identity, and Christian Formation in Early Medieval Iberia. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020 (AMS Studies in Music). Music & Letters 102/3: 599-600.  

2019  Rubio Sadia, J.P. La transición al Rito romano en Aragón y Navarra. Fuentes, escenarios, tradiciones, Ecclesia orans. Ricerche 3 (2018). Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia | Portuguese Journal of Musicology 6/1: 237-42 . PDF.

2018  Nardini, L. Interlacing Traditions: NeoGregorian Chant Propers in Beneventan Manuscripts. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2016 (Monumenta Liturgica Beneventana 8. Studies and Texts 205). Music & Letters 99/2: 276-8.   

2017  Deeming, H. and E.E. Leach. Manuscripts and Medieval Song: Inscription, Performance, Context. Cambridge University Press, 2015. Early Music Performer 40: 31–3. ISSN 1477-478X. 

2012     Scarcez, A. L'Antiphonaire 12 A–B de Westmalle dans l'histoire du chant cistercien au XIIe siècle. Introduction historique, analyse, fac-similés, tableaux et index. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Revue de Musicologie 98/1: 247–9. ISBN 978-2-85357-243-9. PDF

2007   Parmeggiani, C. ed. Canto e Colore. I corali di San Domenico di Perugia nella Biblioteca comunale di Augusta (XIII–XIV). Perugia: Volumnia Editrice, 2006. Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 42/1 (2007): 137-41. ISSN: 00356867. PDF 

2006    Gabrielli, G. Il canto fratto nei manoscritti della Fondazione Biblioteca S. Bernardino di Trento. Provincia autonoma di Trento, 2005 (Patrimonio storico e artistico del Trentino, 28). Rivista Italiana di Musicologia 41/2(2006): 339–42. ISSN: 00356867.  PDF 

Research Note

2022    The Scale of the Old Hispanic Chant. Journal of Mathematics and Music.

Collective Works (dictionary entries, exhibition catalogue, etc.)

2018  Antolini, B.M., ed. Dizionario degli editori musicali italiani. Dalle origini alla metà del Settecento. Pisa, Edizioni ETS (Dizionari, 2). My entries (co-authored with B.M Antolini) are: Giorgio Arrivabene; Giovanni, Gregorio de Gregori; Giovanni da Spira; Giunta (famiglia); Paganini (famiglia); Sessa (famiglia); Bernardino Stagnino; Torresani (famiglia).

2012 Codicological descriptions of fragments: P-G C 149, C 627, C 1370, C 1206 in Harmonias do céu e da terra: a música nos manuscritos de Guimarães (séculos XII–XVII) / Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: the Music in the Manuscripts of Guimarães (12th–17th centuries), M.P. Ferreira ed. Guimarães, Museu de Alberto Sampaio: Greca Artes Gráfica, 2012. ISBN 9789899773219.

2009   Medioevo Musicale–Music in the Middle Ages.* Firenze: SISMEL. Vol. 10–11

2008   Medioevo Musicale–Music in the Middle Ages. Firenze: SISMEL. Vol. 9

2008   Medioevo Latino. A Bibliographical Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (VIth to XVth century).* Firenze: SISMEL. Vol. 29

2007   Medioevo Musicale–Music in the Middle Ages. Firenze: SISMEL. Vol. 8

2007   Medioevo Latino. A Bibliographical Bulletin. Firenze: SISMEL. Vol. 28

* Medioevo Musicale and Medioevo Latino are bibliographical bulletins that keep track of the most recent international publications in the areas of Medieval Music and Medieval Latinity. Collaborators are assigned journal series and book(s), and they check to see whether any new study on Medieval Music or Medieval Latinity is published. If so, collaborators write a description of the contents, list the manuscript(s) mentioned, and provide any additional relevant information. Collaborators do not write reviews, only descriptions of the contents of the new studies. Please feel free to ask for a list of the books/journals I scrutinized for Medioevo Musicale and Medioevo Latino.


2023   (De Luca, Alexandru, Fujinaga) Brainstorming on the Encoding of Eastern Neumes: Middle-Byzantine Notation as a Case-Study. Book of abstracts, p. 60-62.

2023 (De Luca, Behrendt, Fujinaga, Helsen, Morent) Visual or Symbolic? Best Practices for Encoding Neumes. Book of abstracts, p. 288.

2021   Music & Liturgy in Medieval Portugal: Plainchant Fragments in Braga and Guimarães. 49th Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, NOVA University of Lisbon. Book of abstracts, p. 117.

2020   Aquitanian Notation in Iberia: Plainchant Fragments in Braga and Guimaraes. The image of piety in medieval manuscripts in Slovakia and in Europe. Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. Book of abstracts, p. 9.

2019   The music scribes of the León Antiphoner: layers of interventions on the notation. IX Encontro Nacional de Investigação em Música. Lisbon. Book of abstracts, pp. 108-9.

2019   Nuove prospettive di ricerca paleografica nelle notazioni neumatiche iberiche. XXVI Convegno annuale della Società Italiana di Musicologia. University of Basilicata, Italy. Book of abstracts, p. 14.

2017   The Neumes of the León Antiphoner: Written and Oral Transmission in Old Hispanic Chant. Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society. Rochester, USA. Program and Abstracts of Papers Read, Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society Rochester, 9–12/11 201, pp. 262–3 ISSN 0893-1305.

2017   The Portuguese Early Music Database. Interdisciplinary Conference on Iberian Manuscripts. NOVA University of Lisbon. Book of abstracts, p. 35.

2017   Changes in Old Hispanic Notation in the Tenth and Eleventh Century. International Musicological Society 20th Quinquennial Congress. Tokyo, Japan. Book of abstracts, pp. 380-1.

2016   A Gradual from Sens in Lisbon. VI Encontro Nacional de Investigação em Música. Aveiro, Portugal. Book of abstracts, p. 66.

2015   Musical Cryptography: an Elitist Code for Visigothic Scribes. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Brussels, Belgium. Book of abstracts, p 134.

2011   Os fragmentos de canto chão da Biblioteca Pública de Braga. I Encontro Nacional De Investigação Em Música. Porto. Book of abstracts, p. 34. 


Musical Databases

2011–present  Portuguese Early Music Database.  My contribution: publication of 116 fragments, 1 full book (codicological descriptions and Cantus indexes)  

2013–16           Chant Editing and Analysis Program. University of Bristol. My contribution: paleographical consultant 

2012-2013       Cantus Index.  My contribution: creation of 1715 chant records.

2008              Exultet Database.  My contribution: creation of all the musical and textual contents. The database is hosted on the website of the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities (CCARH) at Stanford University 

2005                Cantus Fractus Database. My contribution: cataloguing of all the Kyriale melodies in the database. 

Collective Works

2024                 Hornby; Jones; Wride; Maloy; Rouse; Rojo Carrillo; De Luca) Chant Editing and Analysis Program. Software. 2024

2023        The Music Encoding Initiative Guidelines. Version 5.0 (ch. 6, "Repertoire: Neume Notation") 

2017                The Portuguese Early Music Database: Instructions for collaborators 1.      PEM Database. 2017 (and further updates)

2015                Guide to Graduals Cantus Manuscript Database PDF

2015                Old Hispanic Office Forum: I wrote several posts on the paleography of Old Hispanic notation