Elsa De Luca, PhD

Researcher in Early Music at CESEM - FCSH NOVA University Lisbon  

(Portuguese version below) 

ELSA DE LUCA is an early music scholar pursuing research on medieval chant notations; she is also actively involved in the development of tools for computer-assisted research in early music (mainly databases and automatic music encoding). She is the PI of the FCT-funded research project Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis (2022.01957.PTDC, https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.01957.PTDC) running from 03/2023-02/2026, funding awarded € 249.506,19. ECHOES was ranked first in the 2022 Portuguese national call for research projects in the ‘Arts’ group. 

Elsa De Luca is currently carrying out palaeographical research into Iberian medieval notation through the research project A pre-Gregorian musical repertory under scrutiny: neumes, scribes, and books of the Old Hispanic Chant (DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0085). Elsa has published articles on musical notation, cryptography, and liturgy in a selection of Iberian and French manuscripts (10th – 16th cent.) and on music encoding. Her research was published on Early Music History, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, MusikTheorie, Revue de Musicologie, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Portuguese Journal of Musicology, etc. Elsa co-edited with A. Miguélez and E. Loic a special issue of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (14/1, 2022) Connecting the Dots: New Research Paradigms for Iberian Manuscripts as Material Objects. She co-edited the Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference, Tufts University 26-29 May 2020, with J.  Flanders. She co-edited with I. Moody and J.F. Goudesenne two books on the palaeography of plainchant from the medieval West (published in 2023) and East (forthcoming in 2025).

Elsa serves as member of the CESEM board of directors since 04/2023. In addition, Elsa is Treasurer of the Portuguese Society for Research in Music (SPIM); Coordinator of the Portuguese Early Music Database; co-director of the book series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi, published by Brepols (since 2018); and in 2023 she was invited to join the CESEM-FCSH editorial committee and the review editors for the Portuguese Journal of Musicology new series. Over the years, Elsa has collaborated in ten research projects in Italy, France, Portugal, the UK and Canada.

Main areas of teaching

Music paleography and codicology

Music encoding (early music)

Music history and analysis (medieval and renaissance music)

Historical performance practice


Neumatic music scripts

Liturgical chant

Transmission of early medieval chant

Text-music interactions in chant

Digital Humanities applied to musicological research

Iberian Peninsula


Elsa welcomes new research students with a broad interest in early music.


ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8020-2697  

Scopus Author ID 56950314800                                                                              

Google Scholar ID z4swOJQAAAAJ&hl



Doutora Elsa De Luca

Investigadora em música antiga no CESEM - FCSH NOVA Universidade Nova de Lisboa  

ELSA DE LUCA é investigadora em música antiga na área das notações medievais para cantochão; a Elsa também trabalha no desenvolvimento de ferramentas informáticas e digitais (sobretudo bases de dados e codificação musical automática) para suporte à investigação musicológica. Elsa é a PI do projeto R&D financiado pela FCT “Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis” (2022.01957.PTDC), cujo orçamento é € 249.506,19. O projeto decorre entre 03/2023-02/2026 tendo sido classificado em primeiro lugar no painel de ‘Artes’.

Elsa De Luca desenvolve atualmente investigação sobre paleografia musical sobre notações ibéricas através do projeto “A pre-Gregorian musical repertory under scrutiny: neumes, scribes, and books of the Old Hispanic Chant” (Norma Transitória – DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0085). Elsa publicou artigos sobre a notação, criptografia e liturgia em manuscritos Ibéricos e Franceses (sécs. X-XVI) e sobre music encoding em varias revistas internacionais, incluindo Early Music History, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, MusikTheorie, Revue de Musicologie, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Portuguese Journal of Musicology, etc.  A Elsa coordenou, juntamente com A. Miguélez e E. Loic um dossier temático do Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (14/1, 2022) Connecting the Dots: New Research Paradigms for Iberian Manuscripts as Material Objects. Em 2023 editou e publicou, juntamente com I. Moody e J.F. Goudesenne, um livro sobre a paleografia do cantochão em manuscritos do Oeste, o segundo livro sobre o repertório de Leste será publicado em 2025.

Adicionalmente, a Elsa desempenha funções como Coordenadora da Portuguese Early Music Database e desde abril 2023 faz parte da direção do CESEM. Elsa é também tesoureira da Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música, codiretora da série de livros Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi pela Brepols (desde 2018), e em 2023 foi convidada para juntar a comissão editorial do CESEM e os editores das recensões para a Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia. Na sua carreira, a Elsa tem colaborado em dez projetos de pesquisa em Itália, França, Portugal, Reino Unido e Canadá.


The lovely images you see on this website come from the early tenth century 'León Antiphoner' (E-L MS 8) available here

Last updated on February 2025