
27-29/06/2024  Organization of the international conference and workshop on the subject of digital technologies applied to early music research as part of the ECHOES project. NOVA University of Lisbon 27–29/06/2024

15-19/07/2020  Organization of the two sessions ‘Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts’ at the Meeting of the IMS Study Group ‘Cantus Planus'. University Study Centre of the Masaryk University, Telč, 15-19/07. POSTPONED 

24-29/05/2020 Member of the organizing committee of the Music Encoding Conference. Tufts University, Boston (USA)  

09–12/05/2019 Co-organization of two sessions ‘Intermediality in Iberian Manuscripts: Materiality and Meaning in Context’ at the 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, USA (with A. Miguelez)  

03–05/12/2018 Member of the organizing committee of the International Conference ‘Social Communication in Medieval Europe’. Universidade Nova de Lisboa

10–13/05/2018 Co-organization of two sessions ‘Medieval Iberian Cultural Identity: The Manuscript Record III’ at the 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, USA (with A. Miguelez)

19–21/10/2017 Co-organization of the ‘Interdisciplinary Conference on Iberian Manuscripts’ Universidade Nova de Lisboa (with A. Miguelez) 

Workshops & research seminars

19-20/07/2023  Organization of the IIIF Neume Workshop’ with Craig Sapp (Stanford University/Packard Humanities Institute). NOVA University of Lisbon

13/01/2023  Co-organization of the Workshop 12, MEI and DACT (online)

11/11/2020  Co-organization of the Online Workshop in Music Palaeography 'Scriptor, Cantor, & Notator: The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts' (with J.F. Goudesenne, I. Moody)

19/10/2020  Co-organization of the Online Workshop in Composition 'Early Music from the East and the West: Reusing the Past Today' (with C. Caires)

10/2018-01/2019  Co-organization of the interdisciplinary research seminars ‘Manuscritos em dialogo II’, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (with A. Miguelez) 

01/06/2018  Organization of the Workshop ‘Iberian Musical Fragments’ Universidade Nova de Lisboa 

01–06/2018  Co-organization of the interdisciplinary research seminars ‘Manuscritos em dialogo’, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (with A. Miguelez) 

04/05/2017  Organization of the Interdisciplinary Workshop ‘Palaeography of Old Hispanic Manuscripts: Music, Text and Beyond’. Universidade Nova de Lisboa 

01/2017  Organization of the Workshops: ‘Indexing Polyphony in PEM’ (10 January) and ‘Having Fun with Plainchant in PEM’ (08 February) Universidade Nova de Lisboa 

08/2015–03/2016 Co-organization of the ‘Old Hispanic Composition Competition’ and its Workshop held on 4–8 March 2016, The Music Department, Victoria Rooms; Lord Mayor’s Chapel, Bristol; St Peter's College Oxford (with E. Hornby and K. Ihnat)

Short Term Scientific Missions

20-29/06/2024 Musicologists and Their Sources: The Alchemy of Turning Parchment into Pixels’, funded by the COST Action EarlyMuse. CESEM-FCSH, NOVA University Lisbon

Outreach events

26/04/2024 La musica degli Exultet nel modulo beneventano. Festival dell’Exultet. Bari, Museo Diocesano. 26/04/2024

02-30/12/2022     Collaborator in the organization of ‘Luz e sombra. Representações da Idade Média no cinema’. Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, Lisbon

11/06/2016       Participation in the one-day symposium ‘Chorusing’ exploring the relationship of voice to transcription – of utterance and the written score. Delfina Foundation, London 

26/04/2016       A Taxonomy of León 8’s Neumes Old Hispanic Office Project Report. University of Bristol

21/04/2015       Beyond Notation: Visigothic Musical Cryptography. Old Hispanic Office Project Report. University of Bristol

29/03/2015       Conversation on the palaeography of the Old Hispanic notation with the public of ‘5Hz’ –an interactive exhibition that invites audiences to experience a new human language, by Artist Emma Smith at Arnolfini, Bristol