02/2019-present  Researcher. Music Department. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. NOVA University of Lisbon. Research Project: A pre-Gregorian musical repertory under scrutiny: neumes, scribes, and books of the Old Hispanic Chant

10/2016–01/2019  Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM), NOVA University of Lisbon. Research Project: Portuguese Early Music Database (PEM). Supervisor: Manuel Pedro Ferreira. FCSH/CESEM/EAT/00693

05/2013–08/2016  Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Medieval Musicology on ‘Shaping Text, Shaping Melody, Shaping Experience in and through the Old Hispanic Office’. Emma Hornby, PI. University of Bristol, UK. Research Project: The Palaeography of Old Hispanic Notation

05/2011–04/2013  Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM), NOVA University of Lisbon.  Research Project: French Sources and French Influence in Portugal: Liturgical Music, 12th–15th Centuries. Supervisors: Manuel Pedro Ferreira and Barbara Haggh-Huglo. SFRH/BPD/72683/2010/J552041XkBjn


Member of scientific boards

04/2023-03/2025 Member of the Board of Directors of the Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM) FCSH Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

11/2022-present Team Lead for the sub-project “MEI and DACT” within the international project the “Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission” (DACT), Dalhousie University (Canada)

03/2021-present  Centre d'Études de Paléographie Musicale (CEPM), Association Musicologie Médiévale (France)

01/2019-12/2021  Music Encoding Initiative: elected member of the board for the term 2019-21 (also nominated 'Administrative Chair' for the years 2020-21) (Germany)

2018– present  Co-director of the new book series Musicalia Antiquitatis & Medii Aevi (MUSAM) by Brepols (with Jean-François Goudesenne and Frank Lawrence) (Belgium)

Member of scientific committees at conferences

27/06/2024 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (in association with IAML 2024). University Konservatorium, Stellenbosch (South Africa)

10/11/2023 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology. Milan (Italia)

28/09-01/10/2023 XII Encontro de Investigação em Música (ENIM). Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música (SPIM). Mafra (Portugal)

9-11/12/2022  Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now: From the Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance. Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca. Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica, Palma Choralis, Brescia (Italy)

5-9/07/2021  Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. CESEM FCSH-NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal)

10–12/12/2020  Using the Past: The Middle Ages in the Spotlight. Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória, Batalha (Portugal) 

24-29/05/2020  Music Encoding Conference. Tufts University, Boston (USA) 

24–27/07/2019  Fifth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR). Monash University, Melbourne (Australia) 

5-6/4/2019  International Conference ‘Música y contextos en el mundo ibérico medieval y renacentista’ (MEDyREN). Borja, (Spain)

8-10/11/2018  VIII Encontro de Investigação em Música (ENIM). Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música (SPIM). Oporto (Portugal) 

6-7/04/2018  International Conference ‘Música y espacios sonoros en las instituciones civiles y eclesiásticas de la península ibérica hasta el siglo XVI’ (MEDyREN). Guadalupe (Spain) 

24-26/05/2018  Fourth International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR). Montréal (Canada) 

24–26/05/2017  Third International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR). A Coruña (Spain) 

Participation in research projects

06/2024- Participation in the new COST Action “Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World” (CA23143)

03/2023-02/2026 PI of ‘Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis’. (2022.01957.PTDC). CESEM, FCSH - NOVA University of Lisbon 

01/2022-06/2023 Researcher in 'The Musical Manuscripts from the Monastery of Belém: the Exploration of an Unknown Hieronymite Tradition’. (EXPL/ART-PER/1031/2021). Océane Boudeau PI. CESEM, FCSH - NOVA University of Lisbon

2021-2024 Researcher in 'Texts and voices lost and found'. Recovering, reconstituing, and recreating musical fragments (c. 1100-c.1600). João Pedro d'Alvarenga PI. CESEM, FCSH - NOVA University of Lisbon

2019-03/2023 Collaborator on 'Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission' (DACT). Jennifer Bain PI. Dalhousie University. Moreover, I was appointed Team Lead for the 'MEI and DACT' working group (DACT) starting from 11/2021- 

2014–2020 Collaborator on ‘Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis’ (SIMSSA). Ichiro Fujinaga, PI. McGill University, Canada 

2014–2018 Collaborator on Cantus Ultimus: Building the Ideal Online Plainchant Research Environment’. Ichiro Fujinaga, PI. McGill University, Canada 

05/2013–08/2016 Researcher in ‘Shaping Text, Shaping Melody, Shaping Experience in and through the Old Hispanic Office’. University of Bristol 

05/2011–05/2013  Researcher in ‘Musical Exchanges 1100–1650: The Circulation of Early Music in Europe and Overseas in Iberian and Iberian-Related Sources’. Manuel Pedro Ferreira, PI. CESEM Universidade Nova de Lisboa 

2011–2013 Researcher in the ‘Music & Liturgy Group’ (with Daniel Saulnier and Yossi Maurey) ‘Musique et Musiciens dans les Saintes-Chapelles, XIIIe–XVIIIe siècle’. David Fiala, PI. Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, Université François-Rabelais, Tours

2005–2007 Researcher on ‘RAPHAEL Project (Rhythmic and Proportional Hidden or Actual Elements in Plainchant: Computerized Census and Integral Restoration of a Neglected Musical Repertoire). Marco Gozzi, PI. Università degli Studi di Lecce, Italy

Peer review

At some point, I was peer reviewer for some international journals, books, and a funding institution (I can provide the full list upon request). Moroever, I was 

Editorial tasks

04/2023- member of CESEM editorial committee

11/2022-present Review editor for the Portuguese Journal of Musicology new series (Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia nova série) 

2011–present  Coordinator of Monodic Sources and Development Coordinator (management, proof-reading, and data input) for the Portuguese Early Music Database 

2012-2013  Founder of ‘Graduale Full-Text Database’, which later became Cantus Index  with J. Kolacek. Data input and proofreading 

12/2005-2006  Cantus Fractus Database RAPHAEL Project (Rhythmic and Proportional Hidden or Actual Elements in Plainchant). Proof-reading and data input

Professional membership

I am, or I was, member of:

COST ‘Source Studies’ Working Group

Società Italiana di Musicologia

Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música

The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society

American Musicological Society

International Musicological Society

Music Encoding Initiative

Music Encoding Initiative – Neume Interest Group