The Catoctin High School Newsletter  •  October 3, 2024

Special Olympics recognizes CHS as a National Unified Champion School

Special Olympics North America announced recently that Catoctin High School has been named an official Special Olympics National Banner Unified Champion School.  

Catoctin High School received this prestigious nationwide recognition because of our commitment to inclusive sports and activities for students with and without disabilities. Catoctin has been recognized as distinguished by meeting 10 national standards of excellence in the areas which includes Unified Sports, student leadership, and inclusive activities for students with and without disabilities.  We were also recently notified that we have earned recognition at the state level for the third year in a row.

We celebrated these recognitions at our Homecoming Pep Rally last Friday.  "We were thrilled to have representatives from Special Olympics as well as FCPS leadership to help us celebrate this great honor.  Our staff, students, and community are doing great work and this recognition only fuels our commitment to this important priority" said principal Jen Clements.

Go Cougars!


Catoctin High School's Homecoming 2024 was a huge success! 

Thank you to the SGA students and advisor Katie Engelstatter who organized and led all the events, Stephanie Felmet for homecoming dance decorations/design, staff and parent volunteers, and all of the students who participated in the events! 

Congratulations to Homecoming King Chad Zimmerman and Queen Grace Keller (shown below in second photo from right).

CHS Students Commended by National Merit Scholarship Corp

Congratulations to seniors Joanna Genemans (left) and Michael Metz (right) who were recently named National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) Commended Students for their outstanding high scores on the PSAT/NMSQ.

NMSC honored Joanna and Michael by sending Letters of Commendation to them through the high school which were presented to them by principal Jennifer Clements.


Dear Catoctin Community,

This school year seems to be moving quickly; a sign of that is two milestones that are already behind us (Homecoming and the mid-term point of Term 1). Homecoming was a busy week filled with fun and school spirit.  It is always a great opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate our school and our Cougar Pride.  Thanks to all for your contributions to the success of all of our activities (staff, students, parents, and community).  I want to extend a special thank you to those families who volunteered to support the festivities (volunteering at the games, chaperoning or setting up/cleaning up for the dance, donating treats, etc.) - your support and partnership is very much appreciated!

We have also recently passed the halfway point of Term 1; interims will be issued on October 2 (and EVERY student will be given a paper copy of their interim).  While the grades reflected are just a snapshot at that point, it provides important information about student progress thus far.  I encourage parents/guardians to talk to your student about each of their classes, with the following questions to start the conversation:

If your student is doing well, please encourage them to maintain their focus and hard work.  If he/she is struggling, it is not too late to turn it around.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher and/or counselor so that we can partner to support their success.

Thanks for your support thus far and for your ongoing partnership.

Go Cougars!


Jen Clements


Monthly Guidance and information for parents/guardians

The research strongly correlates good attendance with school success and, ultimately, high school graduation.  Below are some facts related to attendance that highlight the importance of good school attendance (from Attendance Works,

We appreciate your support in establishing positive attendance habits at home and reinforcing the importance of coming to school on time each day.  Please let us know how we can support your efforts.

Attendance = Opportunity

As a feeder, we continue our commitment to attendance knowing that being at school each day opens opportunities for our students.  Below is the attendance rate for September for each school: 

*Attendance rate: An overall school attendance rate of 94% or higher is considered proficient.

**Chronic absenteeism: A student is defined as chronically absent if he/she misses 10% or more of the school days

Volunteers Needed for PTSA Colorfest Parking Fundraiser

Catoctin High School's PTSA needs your help with their one and only fundraiser for the year - parking for Colorfest at CHS!  Please consider signing up for one 2-hour shift on Saturday, October 12 or Sunday, October 13. This one fundraiser supports all of the PTSA's efforts at CHS such as staff appreciation, senior gifts, awards, scholarships and more.   

You can select a time that suits your weekend schedule by visiting: Colorfest Parking Volunteer Sign Up

Thank you for your support of CHS PTSA!

It's Polar Plunge time!

CHS is officially registered and ready to form a team of students brave enough to #BearTheCold on January 29th!  Are you ready to fundraise for the athletes of Special Olympics MD? Join team CHS and together we can support the athletes and Unified® teammates and their sports, health, and leadership opportunities. Click the link here to register or donate to the CHS team:

Note: Students who wish to participate must register via the team link no later than October 31st and must raise at least $50 by January 10th. Once registered, students must also pay an additional $10 to cover bus fees which will be added to their SchoolCash online.  

Questions?  See Mr. Warram, Ms. Ryley, Ms. Coblentz, or Ms. Hutchinson.

National Custodian Day - October 2

Catoctin High School's custodial team keeps our school and school grounds clean, sanitary and beautiful every day!  We appreciate and thank them for their efforts every day, but especially on National Custodian Day, October 2.  Catoctin SGA treated the entire team to a catered lunch in appreciation for all they do to keep our school spotless every day.

CHS evening crew custodians (shown L-R): Brandon Gilbert, Sally Clever, Troy Burrier and Jacob Wastler. Not pictured is Sherry Musgrove.
CHS daytime custodians (shown L-R): Kenny Hines, Joshua Beatty and Glenn Moxley (lead custodian).


Senior Portrait make-ups will be held October 7th & 8th in the CHS Auditorium.

The October sign up link is NOW AVAILABLE:

In order for your senior portrait to appear in the CHS 2025 yearbook you need to be photographed by Victor O’Neill Studios during our senior portrait dates. We do not accept outside portraits for the yearbook. If you are not photographed by VOS, your name will be listed as “not pictured” somewhere in the senior portrait section.

For more information, view the Senior Portrait Instruction Letter from Victor O’Neill Studios.

new program for parents of catoctin feeder students 

If so, then Community WalkThru Nights are for you!  Join representatives from the Catoctin feeder pattern's schools each month to build a greater understanding of how students learn, what motivates students, and myths of education.  This event is for EVERY parent/guardian of students from preschool through 12th grade. 

The first WalkThrus event will be held on October 16th, 6:00-7:30 pm, at the Thurmont Public Library. 

Pre-register and share your interests with us here: WalkThru Nights Registration

CHS College Visit Schedule

Must pre-register to attend:  College Visits.  Visit the registration form for the most up- to-date visit schedule.

Career & Technology Center and the Academy for the Fine Arts Info Session 

Friday October 11, 10:30 - 11:00 am at Catoctin High School

The Career & Technology Center (CTC) & the Academy for the Fine Arts (AFA) will be visiting all FCPS High Schools during the school day this fall to present an information session. During the info session, students will learn about the various programs offered at both CTC and AFA, the application process and how to sign up for a shadow day. A question and answer session with current students and staff will also take place.  

Students who are interested in participating must sign up using this link: CTC/AFA Info Session

For more information about the Career & Technology Center go to

For more information about the Academy for the Fine Arts go to

To learn more about all of the college and career pathway programs (including the CTC and the AFA) available to FCPS high school students, please visit:

Attention Juniors & Seniors:  Not sure what career path to take? Consider taking the ASVAB! 

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is not just for the military—it’s a powerful tool that helps you discover your skills, strengths, and potential career paths. 

Date: Thursday November 21, 7:30-11:30 am   

You must register by 11/8/24 to take test:  ASVAB Registration 

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a multiple-choice test used to assess a candidate's suitability for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces. It measures strengths and potential for future success in military and civilian careers by testing a wide range of skills and knowledge areas.

The ASVAB covers ten subtests:

Honor Society Applications Due

If you are interested in applying for the National English Honor Society, please complete the application before October 11th! (You do not need to apply again if you are already a member).  For more information visit: NEHS or contact Mrs. Aungst.

Any juniors interested in joining Mu Alpha Theta, our math honor society - please complete the google form application. Make sure that you read the application completely and complete all tasks needed for the application process. The window for applying closes Friday October 11th.  For more information visit: Mu Alpha or contact Mr. Ausherman.

National Art Honor Society is now accepting applications! The application deadline is October 11th.  Paper applications are available in Mrs. Hutchinson's room (402). The digital version of the application is on the NAHS webpage: NAHS.  For more information contact Mrs. Hutchinson in room 402.

The Science National Honor Society new member application deadline is October 15th. The application foorm application (and all its components must be completed and submitted by October 16th.  For more information visit: SNHS or contact Ms. Hurley. 

For more information on all CHS Honor Societies, please visit:  CHS Honor Societies 

resources for families

Catoctin High School Pantry 

Local Food Banks

FCPS Free and Reduced Meal Benefits

Child Protective Services (CPS):    301-600-2464

Crisis Services:    Dial 211

Maryland Anonymous Tip Line:    1-833-632-7233

Suicide Prevention Hotline:    988

Free Mental Health Crisis Care Center Open 24/7

PTSA - We Need You!  

Membership in the PTSA helps us provide:

Parents, students, grandparents, staff, and community business are welcome to join!  Join the Catoctin High School PTSA here:  For more information and a paper membership form visit: PTSA Membership Info

Follow the PTSA on Facebook!  Search for Catoctin High PTSA or visit  Find out what the PTSA is up to and how you can help!

catoctin sports boosters

Catoctin High School Sports Boosters is a parent-based organization which provides support for all CHS athletes, sports teams and coaches. The Sports Boosters program is needed to cover the additional expenses not covered by the very limited Athletic Department budget. We raise money through fund raisers, concession sales, sponsorship and membership.

All of the money raised goes to support our athletic programs. With continued cuts to the Athletic Department's budget the burden falls on the Sports Boosters and the individual sports programs to come up with the needed funding to run successful programs. In addition, Catoctin is a 1-A school with a limited number of student-athletes and spectators which is how budgets are determined, because of this we are already at a disadvantage compared to the larger schools in Frederick County.

Please consider becoming a Catoctin High School Sports Booster Member. Help Catoctin Athletes by signing up now. Anyone can join.  For more information:  Sports Boosters

Catoctin Safe and Sane - Class of 2025

For more information visit: