The Catoctin High School Newsletter  •  August 20, 2024

first day of school

wednesday, august 21

Here are a couple reminders to make your first day back a success:

Student Password Reset

As in years past, all student passwords will be reset to their student ID on August 20.  All students will be required to change their password after their initial logon using their student ID #.

When adjusting their password students will need to change their password to something more memorable with the following restrictions:

Use of Personal Devices at School 

As of July 1, 2024, students must use FCPS-issued technology tools for instruction, unless specified and approved by a student's IEP/504. FCPS will still supply Chromebooks for instructional purposes for all high school students.  Any student who does not yet have a Chromebook will be invited to the Media Center tomorrow to be issued their device.

Cell phones:  Electronic devices shall not be used to record, store, or transmit any type of image, sound, or video except for approved assignments with the express permission of school staff. 

School administrators reserve the right to take temporary possession of any device during an investigation and revoke privileges associated with the misuse of any electronic device.

High school students may use acceptable PMDs before and after the student day, during transitions between classes and during lunch periods. Acceptable PMDs are permitted for approved instructional purposes during instructional periods when staff expressly give permission. Unless otherwise directed by staff, during instruction Acceptable PMDs shall be silenced and kept out of sight.

School Meals Information 

Breakfast and lunch is served daily for Catoctin High School students.  You may add funds to your student's meals account using Linq Connect. FCPS participates in the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program which offers free or reduced meals for students. We encourage families who think they qualify (or unsure if they qualify) to complete the free and reduced-price meal benefits application online.  Families must reapply for benefits every year. Eligibility is based on annual income eligibility guidelines effective from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.  For more information on school meals costs and reduced meals programs please visit


Schoology is Frederick County Public Schools selected learning management system to support course management, mobile learning, communication and collaboration opportunities PK-12. During the school year, all teachers will use the Schoology gradebook. Assignment grades will be visible for PK-12 while course averages will be available for Grades 6-12.

Students and parents can find helpful videos and information on connecting and navigating the Schoology program at the FCPS Schoology page.  

FCPS Grading Guidelines

Please review this information regarding the FCPS grading standards.  Please contact your teacher and the course syllabi for specific grading information.

School Calendar distribution

This year, FCPS calendars will be distributed only to the youngest or the only child within the family. CHS students with a younger sibling in the school district will not receive a calendar (the youngest sibling will receive the calendar on the first day).  You may also find the school calendar and handbook online at

New school Phone Numbers

Beginning on July 1, 2024, Catoctin High School's phone number changed as all of FCPS transitioned to a new telecommunications system. 

Catoctin High School's new main phone number is 1-227-203-3150 as of July 1, 2024.

School-based staff can be reached by calling the school’s main number and choosing the appropriate option from the call menu or by dialing a staff member’s extension at any time:


School Volunteers

Catoctin High School is excited to partner with family and community members who are interested in joining efforts to support our students and school with their time and talents by way of volunteering. If you’re interested in volunteering in the upcoming school year, please review the information at this page to get started:  Volunteer Information

SchoolCash Online

SchoolCash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s yearbook, class trips and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register an account, attach your children and in no time you will be able to make payments online. Catoctin High School uses SchoolCash Online for a variety of items!  Register today!


Dear Catoctin Community,

We are just days away from the start of the 2024-2025 school year…..the excitement is building, the preparations have reached a feverish pace, and our work together will begin very soon.  Part of your preparations may be pulling together a stash of school supplies that likely includes writing utensils, notebooks, and maybe even a graphing calculator.  Those are all important tools that we employ in education and having them available will support student’s effective and efficient work in school and at home. (On that topic - we are always willing and available to help families acquire the needed supplies - please communicate with your child’s teachers and/or counselor if there is a need we can help fill.)

I also want to suggest some less traditional school “supplies” that will foster learning and support student success:

I am excited about the potential for success that exists for every student as we start each year.  I am confident that we will work together to make this a great school year for every Cougar.

Go Cougars!

Jen Clements


Monthly Guidance and information for parents/guardians

The FCPS Code of Conduct highlights the expectation that students come to school every day on time and ready to learn.  We share that same expectation and will support you and your child to achieve that.  We appreciate the partnership of our Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) Jason Senuta - he works with each of our schools to support students and families.  Mr. Senuta helps us to monitor attendance (both for our school and for individual students); when we see a concern, we will reach out to families via letters, phone calls, or visits to ensure that all of the necessary supports are in place to facilitate good student attendance.

Good attendance is a habit, and that good habit should start with the first day of school and carry through the year.  There are some easy ways for parents to affect good attendance:

Our partnership is powerful in creating opportunities and success for your child - we look forward to working with you to make it a great year! 

Attendance = Opportunity

Attendance has been and will continue to be an area of focus for our feeder schools.  We can’t support your child’s success if they are not in school; being at school each day opens opportunities for our students.  Below is the chronic absenteeism* rate for each school for the past two school years (note - the lower the rate, the better the attendance).  We are excited by the improvement and look forward to building on this growth to even further increase our attendance rates.

*Chronic absenteeism: A student is defined as chronically absent if he/she misses 10% or more of the school days.

SENIOR Class of 2025 Information 

Individual Senior Meetings with your School Counselor to review graduation needs and post graduation plans will be held September 5th through October 9th, 2024.   Senior attendance at these meetings is required for all students.

College Application Workshops

College Application Workshops will be on held Wednesdays, September 11th through October 2nd during STEP.  MANDATORY attendance at one session is required by seniors before a request for transcripts will be sent to prospective colleges.  SIGN UP to attend one session.  

College Workshop Night

Wednesday, September 25th at 5:00 pm in the CHS Media Center 

CHS Counseling team members will review the basics of the college applications including how to select a college, how to use Naviance to complete the application process, and much more.  Parents and students are welcome.   **Transcripts will be available after September 11th and must be requested through Naviance.  This process will be reviewed in the college workshops. 

Ready to jumpstart your career?

Youth apprenticeship opportunities are now open for YOU! Don't miss out on the chance to gain hands-on experience and valuable skills this Fall. Applications are open for the next 2 weeks only!

Deadline: August 23

Financial Aid/FAFSA Finish Night

Date and Time TBD  

Mandatory Meeting for Dual Enrollment Students

There will be a mandatory meeting for all High School Students who are taking college courses on August 22, at 10:30am, in the CHS auditorium.  We will review important information, policies, and resources that apply to both High School Based and Open Campus courses.  Please visit the Schoology Dual Enrollment group for additional updates and information as the year goes on. 

resources for families

Catoctin High School Pantry 

Local Food Banks

FCPS Free and Reduced Meal Benefits

Child Protective Services (CPS):    301-600-2464

Crisis Services:    Dial 211

Maryland Anonymous Tip Line:    1-833-632-7233

Suicide Prevention Hotline:    988

Free Mental Health Crisis Care Center Open 24/7

PTSA - We Need You!  

Membership in the PTSA helps us provide:

Parents, students, grandparents, staff, and community business are welcome to join!  Join the Catoctin High School PTSA here:  For more information and a paper membership form visit: PTSA Membership Info

Follow the PTSA on Facebook!  Search for Catoctin High PTSA or visit  Find out what the PTSA is up to and how you can help!

catoctin sports boosters

Catoctin High School Sports Boosters is a parent-based organization which provides support for all CHS athletes, sports teams and coaches. The Sports Boosters program is needed to cover the additional expenses not covered by the very limited Athletic Department budget. We raise money through fund raisers, concession sales, sponsorship and membership.

Al l of the money raised goes to support our athletic programs. With continued cuts to the Athletic Department's budget the burden falls on the Sports Boosters and the individual sports programs to come up with the needed funding to run successful programs. In addition, Catoctin is a 1-A school with a limited number of student-athletes and spectators which is how budgets are determined, because of this we are already at a disadvantage compared to the larger schools in Frederick County.

Please consider becoming a Catoctin High School Sports Booster Member. Help Catoctin Athletes by signing up now. Anyone can join.  For more information:  Sports Boosters