About Industrial Technology 

Description: The Integrated Production Technologies program prepares students in to work with 3D computer design and modern production systems. Students develop skills in the creation and operation of cyber mechanical systems and unmanned vehicles, as well as fabrication of student-created designs using top industry equipment. Students will engage in 3-D computer-aided design, documentation, prototyping, testing and analysis.  Students will also design modern production systems, create energy efficient work cells and explore robotics with the programmable logic control systems used in the world's leading industries. Students have the opportunity to earn industry certifications and co-op.

Grades: 9-12

Certification Website: REC Foundations, Autodesk Fusion 360


Instructor - Mr. Scott Davis

Train on digital design. 

Use state of the art industrial equipment. 

Use a variety of CNC and automation trainers. 

Create your own special projects.